

April 17th, 2024suno





smooth trap

Rise Above
Rise Above

solo piano, guitar, hard rock


inspiring melody

tak jarang
tak jarang

acoustic, trap, bass, melancholic, vioiln, melodic, male voice

Strong winds
Strong winds

Cinematic, guitar, electric guitar

The Days Gone By
The Days Gone By

screamo/post-hardcore/melodic hardcore

Daughters in Pain
Daughters in Pain

Metal, Dark, Sad, Male

Really Annoying Candy Song
Really Annoying Candy Song

Children's Music, horns and flutes, base, drums, Fast

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3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0

Nostalgic J-Pop with Jangle Pop influences, acoustic guitar, melancholic melody

Luxion Yung - Echoes of Eze
Luxion Yung - Echoes of Eze

blend of motivational hip-hop with elements of trap

Heatwave On A Cool Breeze
Heatwave On A Cool Breeze

chilled jazz slowed and reverb bedroom pop

Sweet Highland Gale
Sweet Highland Gale

acoustic lively celtic

Árva szív
Árva szív

sad rap, hungarian

Черная Лампа
Черная Лампа

russian rap masculine vocal heavy

Bayangkan V.2
Bayangkan V.2

hard rock , drum booster , rock,

Alleine sein!
Alleine sein!

melodic, male Voice, gothic

Himmel Stürmen
Himmel Stürmen

orchestral dramatisch episch