[Sound effect: Phone ringing, then a beep]
GEORGE: (Voice Over)
Hello, oh noble seeker of conversation! You've dialed into the domain of George McMansion, but alas, I am held captive—not by bandits, but by something far more fearsome: Cousin Eddie’s Annual Family Fish Fry Extravaganza. Yes, it’s that time of year again.
[Sound effect: Background noise of a bustling outdoor party, people laughing, and the sizzle of food frying]
GEORGE: (Voice Over)
I’m ensnared in the wilds of Eddie’s backyard, where the grass is long, the fish are plenty, and the family is... enthusiastic. Here, advice flies as freely as the mosquitoes, and escape is but a dream whispered over plates of questionably cooked seafood.
[Sound effect: Someone loudly calling out “George! Try this sauce!”]
GEORGE: (Voice Over)
That’s Eddie. He’s why I'm here. And why I’ll be here till Monday, navigating the treacherous waters of familial festivities and avoiding the dreaded fish sauce—a concoction that I suspect could double as an industrial adhesive.
[Sound effect: Sighing, then the clinking of plates and cutlery]
GEORGE: (Voice Over)
Feelings on this? Imagine being an actor who’s forgotten his lines, and the script keeps changing anyway. This weekend is less a break and more a test of endurance, seasoned with a dash of existential dread. But fear not, for my return to the land of the ringing phones is scheduled for Monday—barring any unforeseen fish sauce incidents.
[Sound effect: Dramatic, humorous music]
GEORGE: (Voice Over)
As for your call, should it be a simple hello, a dubious tip, or yet another invitation to a culinary disaster, I’ll circle back when the scent of fish no longer clings to my very soul. However, if you bring news of genuine importance or a disaster involving Aunt Milda and her culinary experiments gone awry, your message will find its way to the top of my to-do list with alacrity.
[Sound effect: Sudden loud squawk of a karaoke machine starting up, followed by polka music]
GEORGE: (Voice Over)
And if you, dear caller, find yourself in an emergency—like being trapped in a room with a karaoke machine set to an all-polka playlist—then you must bypass me and call Marjorie. Her number is saved under “M - Marjorie, my guardian against madness.”
[Sound effect: Phone beep]
awry, your message will find its way to the top of my to-do list with alacrity.
[Sound effect: Sudden loud squawk of a karaoke machine starting up, followed by polka music]
GEORGE: (Voice Over)
And if you, dear caller, find yourself in an emergency—like being trapped in a room with a karaoke machine set to an all-polka playlist—then you must bypass me and call Marjorie. Her number is saved under “M - Marjorie, my guardian against madness.”
[Sound effect: Phone beep]
GEORGE: (Voice Over)
So leave your message after the tone. Whether it’s urgent, humorous, or merely curious, I shall attend to it with the same vigor with which I avoid Eddie’s fish sauce. Until then, this is George McMansion—signing off!
[Sound effect: Beep, indicating the end of the message]