Verse 1:
Under the sprawling branches of an ancient oak,
They found each other, with youthful dreams awoken.
Spring's first blush on their cheeks, they spoke
Of futures bright, promises made, never to be broken.
Whispers under starlit skies, laughter in the rain,
Each moment, a step on a path not taken in vain.
Together, they danced through life’s winding tale,
Hand in hand, over hills, through each vale.
Love, their compass, through tempests and calm,
In their hearts, a resounding, unwavering psalm.
Verse 2:
Seasons changed, years cascaded like a soft summer rain,
Their roots grew deeper, with joy, with pain.
A home filled with laughter, echoes of tiny feet,
In each other’s eyes, their world was complete.
Sunrise coffees, sunset walks, a daily shared dream,
Each day a stitch in the seam of a supreme tapestry.
Together, they navigated life’s intricate dance,
With every hardship, a chance to advance.
Through trials and triumphs, their bond only grew,
A testament to the life they knew.
As golden hues tinted their days of grace,
Hand in hand, they cherished each embrace.
Looking back on a life so fully shared,
In each other’s laughter, they found themselves ensnared.
Verse 3:
Now, under that oak, they stand, time's gentle flow marked
By lines on their faces, in the bark deeply etched.
Each wrinkle, each scar, a story of love’s endurance,
A life lived with passion, a life lived with assurance.
As twilight descends, they whisper once more,
Promises under the oak, as in days of yore.
Grateful for every dawn they saw arise,
Their journey together, the ultimate prize.