Verse 1:
街角で生きる、光と影 (Machikado de ikiru, hikari to kage)
Life on the street corners, light and shadows,
背負う過去、語る銃声 (Seou kako, kataru jūsei)
Burdens of the past, tales told in gunshots.
アスファルト染みる、忘れられない血 (Asufaruto shimiru, wasurerarenai chi)
Asphalt stained, unforgettable blood,
ヤクザの道、運命の重さ (Yakuza no michi, unmei no omosa)
Yakuza path, the weight of fate.
ネオンの影で叫ぶ (Neon no kage de sakebu)
Screaming in the neon shadows,
裏切りの街、サバイバルゲーム (Uragiri no machi, sabaibaru gēmu)
City of betrayal, survival game.
金と権力、すべてを制御 (Kane to kenryoku, subete o seigyo)
Money and power, control everything,
これが俺たちのルール、リアルな夢 (Kore ga oretachi no rūru, riaru na yume)
These are our rules, real dreams.
Verse 2:
闇の中で、裏社会の王 (Yami no naka de, urashakai no ō)
In the darkness, king of the underworld,
信じる者だけが生き残る (Shinjiru mono dake ga ikinokoru)
Only the believers survive.
弾丸の雨、血のバプテスマ (Dangan no ame, chi no baputesuma)
Rain of bullets, baptism in blood,
裏切り者には容赦なし (Uragirimono ni wa yōsha nashi)
No mercy for traitors.
ネオンの影で叫ぶ (Neon no kage de sakebu)
Screaming in the neon shadows,
裏切りの街、サバイバルゲーム (Uragiri no machi, sabaibaru gēmu)
City of betrayal, survival game.
金と権力、すべてを制御 (Kane to kenryoku, subete o seigyo)
Money and power, control everything,
これが俺たちのルール、リアルな夢 (Kore ga oretachi no rūru, riaru na yume)
These are our rules, real dreams.
夜の帳、闇に問う (Yoru no tobari, yami ni tou)
Night's curtain, questioning the dark,
力こそが全て、誰が本物か (Chikara koso ga subete, dare ga honmono ka)
Power is everything, who is the real deal?
スリルと危険が俺たちを呼ぶ (Suriru to kiken ga oretachi o yobu)
Thrills and danger call us,
命を賭ける、それが俺たちの生き方 (Inochi o kakeru, sore ga oretachi no ikikata)
Risking our lives, that's how we live.
影から見る、この世界 (Kage kara miru, kono sekai)
Viewing the world from the shadows,
強く生きる、それしかない (Tsuyoku ikiru, sore shika nai)
Living strong, there's no other way.
ネオンの光、真実を照らす (Neon no hikari, shinjitsu o terasu)
Neon lights illuminate the truth,
俺たちの時代、今ここに (Oretachi no jidai, ima koko ni)
Our time is now, right here.