Breeaathe innn
Breeeaathe ouuut
Iiii ammmmm
Breeaathe innn
Lllove annd light
Breeeaathe ouuut
(Breeeathe innnn... Breeeathe ouuut)
Focus on the sensation of your feet on the ground...
Imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the earth...
Anchoring you firmly to the present... Connecting you to your higher self..
You are connected to Source...
Breeathe inn the Great Central Sunnn...
Feel the higher energies.
Breeeathe innn diviiine whiite light
Breeethe ouut the powerful violet flame
Self acceptance meditation:
Breeeethe innn
Breeethe owwwt
Focus on the sensation of your feet on the ground...
Imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the earth...
Anchoring you firmly to the prehsent... Connecting you to your higher self..
You are connected to Source...
Breeethe inn the Great Central Sunnn...
Feel the higher energies grounding in your root chahkra... easing up to your sacral chahkra...balancing your solar plexus...healing your heart chakra, amplifying love...soothing your throat chahkra, you are worthy, and your voice is heard...clarifying your third eye chahkra...igniting your crown chahkra...feel the divine connection to all that you are...all that is Source...power-full..humble...
Breeethe owwt gratitude and appreciation...
Breeeethe innn diviiine whiite light..
Breeethe owwt the power-full violet flame
Iii amm readyy too connect too my highest vibrational frequency...
I bring this loving light.. into every cell of my beeing..into the space between...
I breethe innn myy holy power...
Uniting with Source...
soothing your throat chahkra, you are worthy, and your voice is heard...
clarifying your third eye chahkra...igniting your crown feel the divine connection to all that you are...all that is Source...power-full...humble... beautiful......
Breeethe owwt gratitude and appreciation...
Breeeethe innn diviiine whiite light..
Breeethe owwt the power-full violet flame
Iii amm readyy too connect too my highest vibrational frequency...
I bring this loving light.. into every cell of my beeing..into the space between...
I breeethe innn myy holy power...breeethe owwt focus, clarity, calming appreciation.
Uniting with Source...
I bring this loving light.. into every cell of my beeing..into the space between...
I breeethe innn myy holy power...breeethe owwt focus, clarity, calming appreciation.
Uniting with Source...
I breeethe owwtt limiting beliefs...
Exhaling patterns which no longer serve my highest good...
I release judgement of self and others... Forgiving past and prehsent traumas...
I am beautiful... therefore I feel my body as sacred... I feel it's strongest potential...
I choose to align with nourishing foods...
and thoughts.
Healthy foods and loving thoughts that provide balance within every cell, organ, and part of my body...
I am gratefully provided delicious meals and situations which keep me at my highest vibrational being...balanced and healthy...elevated and grounded in the now.
Focused on the clarity within.
Feeding and freeing my soul.
I choose to align with nourishing foods...
and thoughts.
Healthy foods and loving thoughts providing balance within every cell, organ, and part of my body...
I am gratefully provided delicious meals and situations which keep me at my highest vibrational being...balanced and healthy...elevated and grounded in the now.
Focused on the clarity within.
Feeding and freeing my soul.
Inhale unconditional love into every cell and the space between...
Feel Every organ, every muscle, every bone, the blood that flows....accepting love..soothing light.
Breeethe innn....breeethe owwt.
I feel my soul embody this human vehicle in pure white divine light... I release any and all criticisms..judgment I previously held against it...I forgive myself...therefore I forgive all that is...
I allow the healing to present itself to me in this now...
Breeethe innn....breeethe owwt.
I feel my soul embody this human vehicle in pure white divine light... I release any and all contrasting thoughts I previously held against it...I forgive myself...therefore I forgive all that is...
I allow the healing to prehsent itself to me in this now...
I release blockages held within and throughout my body...and mind...
I give them to the loving forgiveness...with gentle ease..and gratitude for the lesson they taught me...and blessings they will provide as I let them go. Thank you.
in loving forgiveness...with gentle ease..and gratitude for the lesson they taught me...and blessings they'll provide as I let them go. Thank you. (Thank you)
Breeethe innnn, smiile, breeethe owwt.
I Feel the words and sounds resonate in my body, visualizing them aligning me with the flow of my vortex.
I amm... focusing fully on the feeling of being satisfied in my acceptance of my body... encapsulation of love in this sacred vessel...I choose to feel wellness... satisfied...elevated....grounded.. connected to my higher self, one with Source, playing with my spirit guides and their highest vibrations.
In this musical language of energy and frequency... I am able to Feel the sounds resonate in my body, through my breath... visualizing them aligning me in Who I Really Am in this moment.
I am comfortably satisfied in my mind, my heart, my body, my life.
Breeethe innnn.
Breeethe owwwt.
This moment is the best.
Thank you
Elevated while grounding... connected to my higher self, one with Source, playing with my spirit guides and their highest vibrations.
This is me now.
In this musical language of energy and frequency... I am able to Feel the sounds resonate in my body, through my breath... visualizing them aligning me in Who I Really Am in this moment.
I am comfortably satisfied in my mind, my heart, my body, my life.
Breeethe innnn.
Breeethe owwwt.
This moment is the best.
Thank you
I am comfortably satisfied in light.
In loving my mind, my heart, my body, my life.
Breethe innnn.
Breethe owwt.
This moment is the best.
Thank you