
(Trap Music):Migos、Travis Scott流行中國風古箏、琵琶、二胡、笛子,嗦吶,宮、商、角、徵、羽,和現代旋律。

June 5th, 2024suno


長城外,秋風起, 黃沙漫天卷千里, 大漠孤煙直,驛馬頻頻急。 將士守邊關,壯志凌雲, 月下抬頭望,家國情愫藏心間。 胡笳聲起,戰鼓聲回, 邊關秋風涼,夢回江南美。 霜染戰袍,心中故人, 願君保重,待到和平歸。 銀漢遠,思念長, 夜深人靜念家鄉, 塵土揚飛揚,戰旗舞沙場。 君赴邊關去,紅顏憔悴, 燈火闌珊處,寄相思於明月。 胡笳聲起,戰鼓聲回, 邊關秋風涼,夢回江南美。 霜染戰袍,心中故人, 願君保重,待到和平歸。 烽火連天,鐵馬金戈, 大漠孤煙直,邊塞秋風多。 君若歸來,笑顏如花, 共賞長安月,共話千年情。 胡笳聲起,戰鼓聲回, 邊關秋風涼,夢回江南美。 霜染戰袍,心中故人, 願君保重,待到和平歸。


Echoes in the Dark
Echoes in the Dark

heavy electronic dark techno

Nature's Beauty
Nature's Beauty

Indie Singer Songwriter [female alto vocal]

سحر الليالي
سحر الليالي

pop,traditional pop,jazz,vocal jazz,easy listening,jazz vocals,vocal,swing,piano,double bass

Psycho Grandma
Psycho Grandma

quirky comedic


Indie folk, space, rock music, melodic,Pay attention to the main chorus

The Truth's Demise
The Truth's Demise

melodic high-pitched symphonic with a soaring guitar solo

El Hostal de Portelli
El Hostal de Portelli

melódico colombiano acústico

Amores en la Playa
Amores en la Playa

rhythmic pop bachata

Quand l'aube se lève
Quand l'aube se lève

romantic, ballad

Ночной Ревелин
Ночной Ревелин

male vocalist,rock,metal,heavy metal,thrash metal,heavy,energetic,aggressive,speed metal,angry,death

Between the Lines
Between the Lines

Jazz, Heavy Metal


jungle oldschool drum and bass

Love Across Time
Love Across Time

Symphonic metal; alternative metal; gothic metal; doom metal (early)

Whispering Woods
Whispering Woods

atmospheric ethereal ambient

Stus and Aradun's Guilt
Stus and Aradun's Guilt

Haunting, choral folk song with deep deep male voices, rising melody. Medieval sound, fantasy dwarf deep and dark voice

Ruang Sanad, Cahaya Al-Qur'an
Ruang Sanad, Cahaya Al-Qur'an

japanese, pop, melodic

Chrysanthemum Terrace
Chrysanthemum Terrace

doom progressive metal song‘s 40 seconds intro ,Chinese melancholy; minor key string guitar, piano and cello