
Cantonese, shout, heavy metal, loud, Cantopop, rap, Heavy metal,angry,screaming, angry Woman

March 24th, 2024suno


[Intro] 阿祖 已經六日了 你已經六日無同我講過野了 你爲左避開我 甚至詐病唔去餅鋪 我個心真係好痛 [Verse 1] 果種痛比阿強拋棄我的時候更痛 但系我知道唔應該怪你 由我寫信比你約你去獅子山公園見面果日開始 我就知道 我地條路好難行 會有好多眼淚 [Chorus 1] 祖哥 本來我都想學阿荷一樣 迴避問題 但原來我做唔到 可能系因爲我愛你太深 你堅強d 唔可以再甘樣拖落去 拖落去的結果只有我地所有人都一齊痛苦 我向你保證 我會對待你的仔女好似對待心女一樣。 [Chorus 2] 祖哥 我寫呢封信的時候 我的心情真係好亂 我個肚漸漸大了 我去體醫生 醫生話我身體太虛弱 唔可以落 命運點解要甘對我 強哥離開左我 我想死又死唔去 宜家又系甘 [Chorus 3] 祖哥 我對你有時候覺得真繫好矛盾 有時候我覺得你是世界上最好的男人 有時候我又覺得你太狠 唔通你真系想見到我一屍兩命 你先會知道我對你有幾真 [Chorus 4] 祖哥 我無求了 我只求你好好照顧我心女 祝你一家幸福 [Outro] 殷紅。殷紅。殷紅。殷紅。殷紅。殷紅。


Mizutsuno no kami
Mizutsuno no kami

shamisen, koto, shakuhachi, instrument japonais traditionnel. japanesevocals


male vocalist,rock,pop rock,melodic,ballad,bittersweet,passionate,love,melancholic,sentimental,warm,blue-eyed soul,anthemic

Pool 8 ball.
Pool 8 ball.

experimental piano and saxophone.

Jürgen der Boss
Jürgen der Boss

epic hard rock hymn, heavy guitars, powerful rough voices, slow build up intro

Double bass
Double bass

slow double bass with sparse drum and piano, bar trio, dusk and dawn

Echoes of a Fool
Echoes of a Fool

catchy, gregorian chant, beat, dance, drums

Rise of the Digital
Rise of the Digital

pop world fusion electronic

Disco Night Delight
Disco Night Delight

minor key uplifting disco fever funky dolby atmos 128bpm

Beyond the Horizon
Beyond the Horizon

newage atmospheric soothing ethereal

Misneach na Maithiúnas
Misneach na Maithiúnas

passionate,gospel,regional music

Dancing in the Rain
Dancing in the Rain

Funky, Glitch Hop, Electronic


Post-Hardcore, post-rock, male vocals


dubstep, melodic riddim, drum and bass, vocal chops, tearout.

光辉 (Luminescence)
光辉 (Luminescence)

Ethereal, uplifting, delicate, Miku voice. complex electronica, guitars, Vocaloid. Epic orchestral Symphonic

The Renegades
The Renegades

hair/glam metal, 80's, catchy, powerful intro, sabbath

ibrahim ve elif
ibrahim ve elif

romantic, guitar, flute, piano, women