
powerful dream pop

April 22nd, 2024suno


(Verse 1) 湘西边城雾轻笼,苗寨静卧沱江畔 吊脚楼灯映夜空,宛如繁星落人间 小背篓满载憧憬,岁月期盼心间藏 苗家阿妹步轻盈,石板小径映月光 (Chorus) 苗寨情歌轻轻扬,心田流淌爱之河 纯朴如水清又亮,善良如月皎且洁 阿哥风中闻妙音,深情呼唤动心房 苗家阿妹翘首盼,朝阳照耀共欢颜 (Verse 2) 朝霞映照苗衣华,银饰闪烁发间花 飞针走线绣鸳鸯,爱意绵绵传天涯 芦笙悠扬伴月升,篝火旁舞影成双 阿妹眼波似秋水,情深意长诉衷肠 (Chorus) 苗寨情歌荡山谷,江畔回荡爱意浓 纯朴如歌传千古,善良如诗颂长空 阿哥江中见倩影,挂牵绵绵情难断 苗家阿妹心期盼,共谱人间真善美 凤凰古城夜色浓,吊脚楼檐月朦胧 阿哥可闻情歌起,苗寨深处情正浓 阿妹倚窗望远方,心中眷恋情更长 愿君踏月而来至,携手共度好时光 苗寨情歌声声醉,山谷回响爱意随 纯朴如酒香四溢,善良如茶暖心扉 阿哥若应阿妹心,共赴爱河永不离 苗家阿妹情守候,幸福诗篇共谱写 (Outro) 湘西边城沱江畔,苗寨情歌传千古 阿哥阿妹情意深,真挚爱情永如初 吊脚楼上望星空,华丽苗服映眼瞳 静待爱情降临日,共赴苗寨好时光


Vapor Dreams
Vapor Dreams

upbeat ragtime jazz electronic p-funk bass call and response chants

Morning Reverie
Morning Reverie

Minimalist Japanese traditional Fantasy Calming

Joy Cometh In The Morning
Joy Cometh In The Morning

Black Gospel, Soulful Ballad, Blues, r&b, Powerful emotion


funk, funk brasileño, brasil, agresive

Il mio sogno
Il mio sogno

aggressive asocial rap, hip-hop, autotune female vocals, fat bass, unique melody

Neon Fever Dreams
Neon Fever Dreams


Moonlit Groove
Moonlit Groove

late-night vibe electronic lofi jazzy relaxing

Epic Intro
Epic Intro

epic spaghetti western cinematic

Sunshine Dreams
Sunshine Dreams

powerful, pop, electro, beat, upbeat, trance, techno

Love in the Shadows
Love in the Shadows

haunting hardcore electric guitar piano

Taste of Sunshine
Taste of Sunshine

bounce drop, math rock, funk, mutation funk, dance, rock, dubstep, hard rock, r&b, jazz, piano, catchy, guitar, electro

So Schön
So Schön

dreamy synth pop

Adagio inside out
Adagio inside out

creepy, slow, hyper bass, scratching noises, cinematic

Vou Falar Que Não Quero
Vou Falar Que Não Quero

Piseiro Tecnno, female voice, Piseiro, bass

Clash of the Messages
Clash of the Messages

R&B, mellow cyberwave


Folk punk. deep raspy female voice. Classical guitar, chaotic, amateurish, minimalistic, somber reflective mood


The beat is laid-back, jazz, and woodsy.Lofi