
Acoustic Folk Slow Tempo Piano Soft Percussion Vocal Harmonies

June 28th, 2024suno


夜晚的星空,闪烁着温柔的光 凉风习习,拂过我的脸庞 我们坐在草地上,听着虫鸣的歌唱 这一刻,仿佛时间静止在身旁 夏夜的凉风,带来无尽的思绪 星光洒满天空,如梦般美丽 在这宁静的夜晚,我们诉说心中的秘密 夏夜的凉风,让我们心灵相依 月光洒在湖面,泛起银色的波光 夜色中,我们的影子相互依偎 远处的灯火,映照出城市的繁忙 在这片刻,我们找到心灵的安详 夏夜的凉风,带来无尽的思绪 星光洒满天空,如梦般美丽 在这宁静的夜晚,我们诉说心中的秘密 夏夜的凉风,让我们心灵相依 微风轻拂过耳畔,低语诉说着温柔 我们的笑声,融化在夜色中 无论未来多么遥远,这一刻的美好 将永远停留在我们的记忆中 夏夜的凉风,带来无尽的思绪 星光洒满天空,如梦般美丽 在这宁静的夜晚,我们诉说心中的秘密 夏夜的凉风,让我们心灵相依 夏夜的凉风,轻轻送来梦的邀约 我们在星空下,静静守候着 这一刻的宁静,如此珍贵 夏夜的凉风,永远陪伴我们前行


The Lord is with me,
The Lord is with me,


Destined to Part
Destined to Part

anthemic ballad

Unó Doś Sunó
Unó Doś Sunó

New wave, Brazilian chillsynth, alt-pop, Russian techno, uk drill, ambient house p-funk, synth breakdown

Underneath the Stars
Underneath the Stars

atmospheric drum and bass children choir saxophone

Mind Thriller
Mind Thriller

Pop Rock fusion, Horror, piano, percussions,


punk rock, German rock

Newton's apple:universal gravitation
Newton's apple:universal gravitation

Symphonic Metal,fast aggressive,bel canto,female vocal,dark,Catchy Instrumental intro


cool, hero, god, metal

Unspoken Emotions
Unspoken Emotions

dramatic melancholic orchestral

Midnight Sway
Midnight Sway

smooth slow reggae

Rebel Queen
Rebel Queen

pop rock,haunting vocals, metal, slow build, screaming chorus , heavy, catchy


pop, upbeat, piano, pop rock, female singer,warmth

Көш қызығы
Көш қызығы

Дәстүрлі ән

Dine Alone
Dine Alone

female vocalist,electronic,electropop,synthpop,alt-pop,rhythmic,atmospheric,nocturnal,anthemic,ethereal

North Star of Love Making
North Star of Love Making

Hip hop documentary

Sin Ti
Sin Ti

emotiva balada melancólica

Vigil's Grace
Vigil's Grace

electronic,downtempo,chillout,hip hop,house,dub,hip house,sensual,calm,mellow,sampling,warm,playful,atmospheric,lush,hypnotic

Szalona Nostalgia
Szalona Nostalgia

male vocalist,contemporary folk,singer-songwriter,folk,melodic,acoustic,mellow,melancholic,poetic,bittersweet,introspective,longing,autumn,pastoral,lonely,soft,existential,soothing,atmospheric

Life in Colors
Life in Colors

traditional japanese electro-pop rap