一个老男人要离开帕劳写了一首RAP 19

2000s RAP ROCK, bass

July 4th, 2024suno


[music intor] (RAP Verse ) 在帕劳的海岸,我找到了我的避风港, 三个月的冒险,像海浪一样汹涌澎湃。 我潜入深海,与鱼群共舞,感受自由的飞翔, 现在要离开,心却像被锚链牢牢绑住。 (RAP Chorus) It's time to pack up, but the memories won't fade, Palau's beauty, a treasure that I've made. I've conquered the reefs, felt the ocean's embrace, But leaving's tough, it's a bittersweet taste. (RAP Verse) 我攀上高峰,俯瞰这片蔚蓝的海, 日落的余晖,映照着我不舍的眼。 每个瞬间,都是一幅画,刻在心间, 但时间的钟声,提醒我,是时候说再见。 (RAP Bridge) The island whispers, "Come back anytime," As I board the plane, with a heavy heart and mind. I've made a mark, on these shores so bright, And in my soul, Pal's spirit will ignite. (RAP Verse ) 在这片热带天堂,我找到了宁静, 每一次呼吸,都是大自然的馈赠。 我的心灵被洗涤,像海浪冲刷沙滩, 但现在,离别的钟声,敲响了归航。 (RAP Verse ) 我与朋友们的笑声,回荡在耳边, 每一次的聚会,都是心灵的盛宴。 他们的笑脸,是我心中最温暖的记忆, 告别的话,卡在喉咙,难以言说。 (RAP Bridge ) I'll carry the warmth, the joy, the laughter that rings, The friendships forged, the adventures I've sown. Though I'm miles away, the island's call, Will echo in my heart, never to be gone. (RAP Chorus) It's time to say goodbye, but the love remains, Palau's magic, forever in my veins. I've danced with the dolphins, soared with the gulls, But leaving's hard, it's a tearful pull. (RAP Verse ) 我的朋友们,你们的笑容,我将珍藏, 在帕劳的日子,我们共同创造了无数的欢乐时光。 虽然现在要说再见,但这份情谊不会改变, 在我心里,你们永远是我宝贵的财富。 (RAP Bridge ) I'll remember the nights, the stories we shared, The dreams we chased, the laughter we bared. Though distance may come, our bond will not wane, In my heart, you'll always be there. (RAP Chorus) So wave to the island, wave to my friends, Palau's spirit, forever by my side. I've lived the dream, embraced the sea, But leaving's tough, but I'll always be free. (RAP Outro) As the plane ascends, and the island fades, In my heart, Pal's sun never sets, it stays. I carry the warmth, the love, the light, Palau's my home, forever in sight, and my friends, forever in my heart.


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