(Verse 1)
Logistic regression, a champion we know,
Two classes it battles, letting the winner show.
But the world's a spectrum, with choices untold,
Multinomial steps in, a story to unfold.
More than two responses, a challenge to meet,
Multinomial logistic, on a probabilistic feat.
K classes it tackles, a kingdom so grand,
Predicting the one, where the data will land.
(Verse 2)
One approach it uses, a divide and conquer fight,
K minus one models, burning ever so bright.
Each class takes a turn, compared to a base,
The odds ratio whispers, revealing its place.
Positive values beckon, a feature's embrace,
Increasing the chance, in that class to find space.
Think flowers in a field, red, yellow, or blue,
A feature like sunshine, might favor the hue
That thrives in its warmth, a story untold,
The log odds ratio, a connection to hold.
But there's another way, a more elegant form,
Softmax function steps in, weathering the storm.
One model it crafts, for all classes to share,
Probabilities summing, a mathematical snare.
(Verse 3)
Imagine a pie chart, with slices so fine,
Each class gets a portion, a story that entwines.
The softmax equation, the baker's delight,
Ensures all the slices,add up just right
(Verse 3)
Imagine a pie chart, with slices so fine,
Each class gets a portion, a story that entwines.
The softmax equation, the baker's delight,
Ensures all the slices,add up just right
Coefficients still whisper, of log odds once more,
But now they compare, across the class floor.
Red versus yellow, yellow versus blue,
The odds of one winning, compared to the two.
Predictions arise, with a probabilistic might,
Choosing the class, with the highest sunlight.
The one with the greatest chance, based on features we see,
Multinomial logistic, guiding you and me.
From separate models, to softmax's design,
A powerful tool emerges, a statistical sign.
Multinomial's magic, a story to tell,
Unlocking the secrets, where classification dwells.
Logistic regression's friend, a champion bold,
For choices abundant, a story unfolds.
So next time you face data, with multiclass woes,
Remember multinomial, the path it bestows.
From separate models, to softmax's design,
A powerful tool emerges, a statistical sign.
Multinomial's magic, a story to tell,
Unlocking the secrets, where classification dwells.
Logistic regression's friend, a champion bold,
For choices abundant, a story unfolds.
So next time you face data, with multiclass woes,
Remember multinomial, the path it bestows.