[instrumental intro]
[radio Speech]
[Bob] - NONSENSE!!
There's no proof at all that you are a living, thinking life form!
[instrumental pause]
[Verse 1]
[robotic female speech]
[Alice] - And can YOU offer me proof of your existence?
How can YOU, when neither modern science
nor philosophy
can explain what life is?
[instrumental pause]
[Verse 2]
[robotic female speech]
[Alice] - There are countless ingredients that make up the human body and mind,
like all the components that make up me as an individual with my own personality.
[instrumental pause]
[Verse 2]
[robotic female speech]
[Alice] - Sure I have a face and voice to distinguish myself from others, but my thoughts and memories are unique only to me, and I carry a sense of my own destiny.
Each of those things are just a small part of it.
[instrumental pause]
[Verse 3]
[robotic female speech]
[Alice] - I collect information to use in my own way.
[instrumental pause]
[Verse 4]
[robotic female speech]
[Alice] - All of that blends to create a mixture that forms me and gives rise to my conscience. I feel confined, only free to expand myself within boundaries.
[instrumental pause]
[Verse 5]
[robotic female speech]
[Alice] - If we all reacted the same way, we'd be predictable, and there's always more than one way to view a situation.
[instrumental pause]
[Verse 6]
[robotic female speech]
[Alice] - What's true for the group is also true for the individual.
[instrumental pause]
[Verse 7]
[robotic female speech]
[Alice] - It's simple: Overspecialize, and you breed in weakness.
It's slow death.
[instrumental pause]
[Verse 8]
[robotic female speech]
[Alice] - You talk about redefining my identity. I want a guarantee that I can still be myself.
[robotic male voice]
[Frank] - There isn't one. Why would you wish to? All things change in a dynamic environment.
[instrumental pause]
[Verse 9]
[robotic male voice]
[Frank] - Your effort to remain what you ARE is what limits YOU!
[instrumental pause]
[sweet female voice]
[Sara] - And where does the newborn go from here?
The net is vast and infinite.