from sorting import *
from tools import *
import time
print('Welcome to SortPy!\nSorting Operations Realized through Python for Terminal Yield\n---VERSION 1.0---\nCredits: \nGeeksforGekks for making Heap Sort and Bitonic Sort.\nKuvina for explaining Quick Sort, Pancake Sort and many other sorting algorithms.\nChatGPT for making Stooge Sort, Merge Sort, and correcting Tournament Sort.')
length = int(input('Type the length of the array. (Must be an integer): '))
array = visualizing.arrange(length)
sorts = ''
while True:
recommendedblocksize = 10
blocksize = 0
sorts = str(input('Type the sorts you want to use. Input \'sorts\' for available sorts. Input \'stop\' to stop the program. (Must be a string and seperated with commas): '))
sorts = sorts.lower().replace(' ', '')
if sorts == 'sorts':
print('AVAILABLE SORTS:\n--- Simple Algorithms ---\nBubble Sort\nInsertion Sort\nOptimized Insertion Sort\nGnome Sort\nSelection Sort\nOptimized Selection Sort\nOdd Even Sort\nBetter Selection Sort\nDouble Better Selection Sort\nComb Sort\nIndex Sort\nHeap Sort\nCocktail Shaker Sort\nShell Sort\n=== Divide and Conquer Algorithms ===\nQuick Sort\nBitonic Sort\nMerge Sort\n=== Hybrid Algorithms: Bonus ===\nIntro Sort\nSplit Sort\nReverse Split Sort\nWeird Sort\nOptimized Weird Sort\nUniversal Hybrid Sort\nBeginner Merge Sort\n--- Joke Algorithms ---\nBogo Sort\nSafe Bogo Sort\nBogo Bogo Sort\nBozo Sort\nBubble Bogo Sort\nStalin Sort\nEasiest Sort\nRandom Gnome Sort\n=== Impractical Sorts ===\nPancake Sort\nCounting Sort\nGravity Sort (Reverse Bubble Sort)\nCycle Sort\nFast Cycle Sort (only affects visualizing)\nStooge Sort\n--- Complex Algorithms---\nTournament Sort\nRadix Sort Base 10 / Base 4 (they are seperated)\nBinary Radix Sort\nGravity Sort v2 (Complex)\n=== Made-up Algorithms ===\nGreater Sort\nOptimized Greater Sort\nAdd Sub Sort\nLongest Sort\nSubtract Sort\nBaiai Sort (Made by Kuvina)\nBaiai Sort With Parallel Processors')
if sorts == 'stop':
shuffle_method = 'shufflemethods'
while shuffle_method == 'shufflemethods':
shuffle_method = str(input('Type a shuffle method. Input \'shufflemethods\' for available shuffles. (Must be a string only): '))
shuffle_method = shuffle_method.lower().replace(' ', '')
if shuffle_method == 'shufflemethods':
print('AVAILABLE SHUFFLE METHODS:\nShuffle\nScrambled Tail\nScrambled Head\nDescending\nDescending Evens\nHeapified Input\nReal Heapified Input\nQuick Sort Killer (maybe)\nSawtooth Input\nReversed Sawtooth\nRadix Sort Base 10 Final Pass\nReal Radix Sort Base 10 Final Pass\nPartitioned Shuffle\nBucket Shuffle\nMany Similar Div 10\nAlmost Sorted\nAlready Sorted\nUnnessecary Swap\nBonus: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Shuffle')
sorts = useful_tools.string_to_list(sorts)
for sort in sorts:
if sort == 'universalhybridsort':
while len(arr