
zen music

April 26th, 2024suno


觀自在菩薩,行深般若波羅蜜多時,照見五蘊皆空,度一切苦厄。 舍利子,色不異空,空不異色;色即是空,空即是色。受想行識,亦復如是。 舍利子,是諸法空相,不生不滅,不垢不淨,不增不減。 是故空中無色,無受想行識,無眼耳鼻舌身意,無色聲香味觸法。 無眼界,乃至無意識界。無無明,亦無無明盡,乃至無老死,亦無老死盡。 無苦集滅道,無智亦無得。以無所得故,菩提薩埵,依般若波羅蜜多故,心無挂礙。無挂礙故,無有恐怖,遠離顛倒夢想,究竟涅槃。 三世諸佛,依般若波羅蜜多故,得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。 故知般若波羅蜜多,是大神咒,是大明咒,是無上咒,是無等等咒,能除一切苦,真實不虛。 故說般若波羅蜜多咒,即說咒曰:“揭諦揭諦,波羅揭諦,波羅僧揭諦,菩提薩婆訶。 諦揭諦,波羅揭諦,波羅僧揭諦,菩提薩婆訶。


Praise Him
Praise Him

pop, rock, electro, female voice


uptempo. emotional. J-pop. lo-fi. hip-hop. jazz, deep bass

The Fall
The Fall

Industrial Techno, djent, heavy, high octane, intro, intro, intro

Inerzia Solitaria
Inerzia Solitaria

hip hop,east coast hip hop,pop rap,hip-hop/rap

Les Épuisé - Le moment est venu (ding dong)
Les Épuisé - Le moment est venu (ding dong)

Driving 1980's, french pop, melodic, catchy, chorus in minor,

Waiting for You
Waiting for You

smooth pop jazz soulful sultry

Tears of a Rainbow
Tears of a Rainbow

atmospheric haunting electronic

Wide Awake (Alan Wake)
Wide Awake (Alan Wake)

dream pop, indie pop, ethereal, cinematic, emotional, r&b, edm, uk drill

Warrior's Call
Warrior's Call

epic cinematic orchestral


sad soft boy edm

후회의 노래 (Song of Regret)
후회의 노래 (Song of Regret)

k-pop sadness soundtrack captivating melodic ballad drama powerful vocal

Ystävällisin terveisin
Ystävällisin terveisin



future bass

Stormcore Reverie
Stormcore Reverie

instrumental,ambient,ethereal,melancholic,atmospheric,dream pop,hypnotic,soothing,nocturnal,mysterious,psychedelic,surreal,lo-fi,lethargic,cryptic,female vocals,synthesizer

My Neighborhood Ride
My Neighborhood Ride

high quality, Hip-Hop, Funky, punchy bass, Low fidellity

Love Song
Love Song

Love, love, love songs, female to male, female vocals, piano, emotional.

Number song
Number song

Melody,cheerful,kids poem zinggle