
佛教 竖琴 快速 电子乐

June 17th, 2024suno


[Verse] 心如明镜 照万千 红尘俗事 如过眼 [Verse 2] 风起时 听禅意 花开花落 是天意 [Chorus] 佛光普照 心不闹 烦恼浮云 别再扰 佛光普照 寻止道 随波逐流 离烦烧 [Verse 3] 缘起缘灭 皆是空 静心安念 掌握中 [Verse 4] 一笑化解 世间纷 禅乐和鸣 心自清 [Chorus] 佛光普照 心不闹 烦恼浮云 别再扰 佛光普照 寻止道 随波逐流 离烦烧


Jožin z Bažin
Jožin z Bažin

instrumental intro ,Math rock, mutation funk, emotional, EDM, female vocals, ,metal, folk, powerful. epic, melodic

The Witcher's Trail
The Witcher's Trail

melodic metal, male vocals, heavy and fast blast guitars, epic melodic solo, slight folk or medieval melody, dark tone

Embrace of Grace
Embrace of Grace

r&b,soul,southern soul,blues,funk soul,love,deep soul

Crash and Burn
Crash and Burn

metal, alternative, young male singer, emotional, intense instrument

Blame Memory Lane
Blame Memory Lane

Soulful emotional ballad, Brooding male vocals, clear professional vocals, harmony

Light bulbs
Light bulbs

Hard rock music

Down by the Ol' Creek
Down by the Ol' Creek

melodic acoustic country

You are your own mind
You are your own mind

electronic smooth psychedelic jazz

Perspektif : Satu Langkah
Perspektif : Satu Langkah

Rock, anime, spirit

Early Morning Vibes
Early Morning Vibes

russian techno early morning party electric guitar hardbass

Lost & Found
Lost & Found

heartfelt acoustic melancholic

Shredder's Dream
Shredder's Dream

intense rock electric

Where Are We Going?
Where Are We Going?

downtempo, chillwave, post-rock, blend of organic and synthetic, lush soundscapes, professionally mastered, reflective


depressive, emo, rap, trap, hip hop, slow, drum and bass, guitar, male voice

Soul of Time
Soul of Time

Lofi, calm, beatdrop, never seen before, steady and low beat.


Jazz frontier Heavy bass Electropop Fizz Bang Crash


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