
intense, epic, phonk, fast

June 1st, 2024suno


The planets Zinopen-9B and Inopa-3F, neighbors in the Zeta Reticuli star system, have enjoyed centuries of peace and trade. However, a heated dispute over the placement of the "Jooker's Burgers" orbital restaurant escalated tensions. Both planets claimed the restaurant's location favored the other's economic and strategic interests. Diplomatic efforts failed, and on Day 15 of 200, Inopa Year 278, the war began.


L'ombre du destin
L'ombre du destin

french hip hop, IAM. MHD

Facing My Demons
Facing My Demons

pop dramatic electronic


sad, dramatic, piano, epic, guitar, acoustic, saz , man singer, acoustic

We Wish You a Merry Christmas (Suno Mix)
We Wish You a Merry Christmas (Suno Mix)

Christmas carol with male vocals


dark grunge

moved on
moved on

shoegaze, sad indie, ballad, male post-punk vocals

Healing Heart
Healing Heart

energetic rock male vocal with

Na Malcie
Na Malcie

Radosna muzyka



Mallard in M Minor
Mallard in M Minor

Waddling Ducks, Puddles, Ponds, Bread n Butter, Classical, M(allard) Minor New Age Key Signature.

Neon City Lights
Neon City Lights

punchy heavy bassline quirky sound effects electronic midtempo funky rhythms cyberpunk

Neon Nights
Neon Nights

(female) kawaii chill lo-fi

Ignite the Fire
Ignite the Fire

aggressive hip-hop high-energy beats heavy bass line

Bigger band
Bigger band

Swing, Jazz, Big band jazz, djent, thall

Club Lights
Club Lights

energetic house electronic


r&b, soul, emotional, chillhop, atmospheric, psychodelic indie, male voice

Ride and Groove
Ride and Groove

male vocalist,blues rock,rock,blues,electric blues,boogie rock,energetic,playful,melodic

Noise and a Stream
Noise and a Stream

space uk prog

Cosmic Serenade
Cosmic Serenade

Acoustic, Cello, Melancholic, Emotional, Deep Male Vocals, Breakdowns, Transitions