I'm the sheriff in our county seat.
I heard Ravalli would come; the rumor was fleet.
Ravalli's was supposedly handsome and fun.
They claimed women liked him, a magnetic one.
I was incredulous when Ravalli rode by
An old looking dude, no spark in his eye
He looked worn and jaded, like a ghost fading fast,
But the girls still smiled as his horse walked past.
A wire came through, from the east to our west,
Ravalli was troubled, to police just a pest.
Wherever he wandered, he thought he was prey,
Just sane enough to keep the darkness at bay.
I don't have much use for the laws back east.
I believe if there's wildness, to tackle the beast.
I hailed Ravalli 'neath the Dakota sky,
He didn't expect my badge, to see me pass by.
I said to him "sir, it’s said you’ve gone mad.
Explain to me the shame, why you’re so sad.
Ravalli looked relieved, removed his hat.
“It’s about time that somebody asked me that.”
“You see,” said Ravalli, “life has hidden rules.
“The trajectory’s down for some kinds of fools.
“You become a target of a clean-up crew.
“Justice for them means downfall for you.
“I learned what I could, tried to build anew.
Changed my course, doused the flame, did renew.
I became like a comet, or a popular tune.
That’s the part the ladies heard, the rest they assume.
But Ravalli then added, “I admire what’s real.
American smiles, the enthusiasm they feel.
A well of affection, a generous heart
If you overlook the assumptions on their part.
the rest they assume.
But Ravalli then added, “I admire what’s real.
American smiles, the enthusiasm they feel.
A well of affection, a generous heart
If you overlook the assumptions on their part.
So Ravalli kicked his horse to a trot.
Leaving me unsure if I heard him or not.
I rode back to town, pondered anomalous fame.
He raised interesting issues, even if insane.