
日語,流行,女聲, electronic, anime, piano, guitar, drum, electro, drum and bass, rock

June 27th, 2024suno


陽光灑在窗邊, 圖書館裡靜謐無聲, 書本的海洋中, 她悄悄地躲進。 (Pre-Chorus) 她找到了那個角落, 一本書翻開夢的門鎖, 輕輕唱著旋律, 世界變得如此不同。 (Chorus) 妹妹在圖書館裡唱歌, 那聲音如清泉流過, 每個字句都在跳躍, 帶來無限的歡樂。 (Verse 2) 書架之間的小徑, 她如精靈般穿行, 每個字母每個故事, 都是她的奇妙旅行。 (Pre-Chorus) 她的笑容如陽光, 溫暖了每個角落, 她的歌聲如微風, 輕輕拂過我的心窩。 (Chorus) 妹妹在圖書館裡唱歌, 那聲音如清泉流過, 每個字句都在跳躍, 帶來無限的歡樂。 (Bridge) 時間靜靜地流淌, 我們在書海中徜徉, 她的歌聲如同魔法, 帶我們走進童話。 (Chorus) 妹妹在圖書館裡唱歌, 那聲音如清泉流過, 每個字句都在跳躍, 帶來無限的歡樂。 (Outro) 在那圖書館的午後, 她的歌聲永不消失, 我們的回憶如詩, 美好的畫面永遠停留。


Eclipse of Resolve
Eclipse of Resolve

instrumental,rock,alternative rock,passionate,progressive rock,energetic,epic,anxious,progressive,eclectic

Abundant World - House
Abundant World - House

rock, guitar, drum, drum and bass

우리 동네
우리 동네

[Nu-jazz], [Arabic], [K-r&b], [Experimental-Electronic], [syncopated anime], raw male voice, upbeat

Catchy funky
Catchy funky

psychedelic effects galactic funky catchy rhythm synth

penguin :>
penguin :>

Male vocal, Modern rock, german trance, witch house, german schlager, permanent wave, sad, eurodance, nostalgic

I’ll rise
I’ll rise

Pop girl sing

Vinyl Bliss
Vinyl Bliss

male vocalist,alternative rock,garage rock revival,garage rock,indie rock,rock,melancholic,bittersweet,slacker rock,raw

Monkey Judges
Monkey Judges

electric rock

Appalachian Gnome Attack
Appalachian Gnome Attack

redneck eerie banjo


butterflies bad kind, dark, strong instrumental, bold instrumentals, direct, impactful,


Piano rock,strings

Taking a Stand
Taking a Stand

natural sounds, folk, pegan ritual, iron age, dark, slow, thunder, wolf howl, rythmic drums, translike, meditative

castillos de cristal
castillos de cristal

rock and roll, reggaeton, emo, beat, electronic guitar

夜間ドライブ (仮)
夜間ドライブ (仮)

80s, city pop, VOCALOID, synthwave, dark, cutting guitar, groove

"Queen of Trance"
"Queen of Trance"

A general-purpose combat model android of the YoRHa unit that was dispatched to the ground during the 243rd Drop Operati

Dragon VS Phoenix
Dragon VS Phoenix

punk phonk ultrafunk hip-hop heavy metal lo-fi

City Vibes
City Vibes

hip hop energetic urban

Historia Nas
Historia Nas

pop piano-driven ballad