systemic failure

epic rap

May 7th, 2024suno


(Verse 1) I see the world through different eyes Systemic flaws, and a world that denies Justice and peace, for all to thrive But the cycle of pain, is all that survives (Chorus) Streets are talking, voices unheard A cry for change, but will we be blurred? By the noise of hate, or the sound of fear? Or will we rise, and wipe away our tears? (Verse 2) News flashes, of a world in disarray Injustice reigns, and the people pray For a better tomorrow, a brighter day But the struggle's real, and we can't delay (Chorus) Streets are talking, voices unheard A cry for change, but will we be blurred? By the noise of hate, or the sound of fear? Or will we rise, and wipe away our tears? (Bridge) We need a change, a new way to be Empathy and love, for humanity Let's break the chains, and rise above And create a world, where everyone's loved (Chorus) Streets are talking, voices unheard A cry for change, but will we be blurred? By the noise of hate, or the sound of fear? Or will we rise, and wipe away our tears? (Verse 3) I see the suffering, of a world in pain A system broken, and a future in vain We're searching for answers, but they're hard to find But we won't give up, we'll leave the past behind [verse 2] We're the voices, of a world in need A cry for justice, and a call to proceed We're the change makers, of a brighter day And we won't stop, until we find a way (Chorus) Streets are talking, voices unheard A cry for change, but will we be blurred? By the noise of hate, or the sound of fear? Or will we rise, and wipe away our tears? [outro]


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