🎵🌿🌼 夏令营主题营歌《耕读乐园》🎶20240628

Pop, Fantasy, child's voice, girl's voice, Themes of Nature & Harmony, Instrumental with Erhu & Pipa, Buddhism

June 28th, 2024suno


[Intro] [Verse] 走在乡间小路上 微风轻拂脸庞 溪水潺潺 鸟儿在歌唱 种植采摘,嬉戏游玩 自然之乐 心中喜悦 哈哈哈 [Pre-Chorus] 青草蓝天,碧水森林 田园风光,如诗如画 孝悌忠信,仁爱健康 在这夏令营,我们共同成长 [Chorus] 耕读乐园,让我们共同歌唱 夏令营,收获成长的力量 耕读之旅 我们欢畅 啊啊啊 [Rap] 人之初,性本善 性相近,习相远 苟不教,性乃迁 教之道,贵以专 养不教,父之过 教不严,师之惰 子不学,非所宜 幼不学,老何为 玉不琢,不成器 人不学,不知义 为人子,方少时 亲师友,习礼仪 [Bridge] 啊啊啊 之乎者也 论语子曰 孟子中庸 老子夫子 经书课堂 咿咿呀呀 噢噢啊啊 我早就想到河里去歌唱 嘿嘿嘿 哈哈哈 [Break] 耕读乐园,我们歌唱 夏令营,我们收获 圣贤经典的力量 快乐耕读,我们欢畅 唱唱唱 啊啊啊 [Rap] 子曰 学而时习之,不亦悦乎 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎 人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎 哦哦哦 什么什么 我早就想去摘葡萄啊 嘿嘿嘿 [outro and fade out] 仁庄乐园 老师 小河 我们还会再回来 再回来啦 啦啦啦 再见 同学们 回家了


At Your Mercy
At Your Mercy

Calypso Surf, Chanson, Alternative R&b Griot, Piano Afro-rock, Choral Ambient Noise Wall

Neon Rhythm
Neon Rhythm

electronic,electronic dance music,trance,progressive trance,progressive house

Twenty-Second Noon
Twenty-Second Noon

slow, meditative, chuggy, progressive stoner metal

In A World
In A World

Hard Rock. Melodic. Riff-Light. Unplugged. Dynamic.

Jibun o Aishite
Jibun o Aishite

japanese city lofi dreamy soulful psychedelic melody synthpop


popular music, acoustic guitar

Whispering Shadows
Whispering Shadows

frying pan, math rock, mutation funk, psychedelic, bounce drop


sailor moon, anime intro, japanese, 90s,


Hard rock, Pop, Electronic , Male Vocals

The Downfall
The Downfall

Epic dramatic cinematic Dubstep Elektro Drum‘n‘Bass with nice melody

We're in This Together - NIN Cover
We're in This Together - NIN Cover

Country Folk, Blues, Introspective, Acoustic Guitar, Harmonica, Percussion, Male Singer, Studio Quality,

Journey of Truth
Journey of Truth

modern pop soft synth dreamy

Acostumbrarse e Irse
Acostumbrarse e Irse

acústico pegajoso pop

Shining Through the Rain
Shining Through the Rain

soft strong piano

Arkhangelsk: Rise of the Frost
Arkhangelsk: Rise of the Frost

power symphonic metal


syncopated blues

Sunrise of Triumph
Sunrise of Triumph

swing happy chill wave piano sweet female voice melodic emotional uplifting