This is my God and I will praise Him! The Lord is a warrior; His name, is The Lord!
This is my father's God, and I will praise Him!
The Lord is my strength and my song. He has become my salvation.
Among the gods, who is like Him?
Among the gods, who is majestic and holy like our God?
In His greatness, He overthrows those who stand against Him.
In His anger, He burns them like chaff.
With His right Hand, He shatters the enemy!
The Lord is a warrior!
This is my God and I will praise Him!
[Verse 1]
The horse and its rider He has hurled into the sea.
Pharaoh, his army, and all his officers were cast into the sea.
With a blast of Your breath, the waters rose and the deeps covered them.
Like a stone, they were buried beneath the waves, but the children of Israel walked through on dry land!
The Lord is a warrior!
This is my God and I will praise Him!
[Verse 2]
The enemy said, ‘I will pursue them, overtake them, I will divide the spoils and all my desires shall be gratified! I will draw out my sword, my hand will destroy them.’
But, My God is a warrior!
In Your loving kindness, You have led those You have redeemed;
In Your strength, You have guided them to Your holy land!
[Music Quiets]
The peoples have heard and now they tremble. All the people of Canaan have melted away. The leaders of Moab, now shake with fear. The chiefs of Edom are dismayed, and all of Philistia cry out in anguish!
all of Philistia cry out in anguish!
My God is a warrior!
My God is a Warrior!
My God is...
[Verse 3]
Until Your people pass over, Lord.
Until the people You have purchased pass over, Lord. Bring them bring them and plant them in the mountain of Your inheritance, to the place, which You have made for Your dwelling, the sanctuary, which Your hands have made.
May The Lord reign forever and ever.
May The Lord reign forevermore.