Its me, JH (シャドウラップ) - Japanese Hard Rap

J Hip Hop, Strong Bassline, BPM95, epic, lo-fi, funk, rap, intense, pop

July 27th, 2024suno


(Intro) Yo! Aye! Aye! Aye! Aye Mhmm! Aye! Aye! Aye! Aye! まあ、そこでお会いできて嬉しいです (My, oh my, I’m pleased to meet ya) なんて大胆に来たん. (ヘヘヘヘ) (How bold of you to be here..) (Laughs) Well.. (Chorus) It’s me JH. (Yeah!) You don’t even know how to create! (Ooh!) You think you’re the only one who can rap? (Heh) Well. Feel my rap as I am ’bout to… Snap! (Instrumental) (Verse 1) 発火 (Ignite) 燃え上がれ、この炎 (Ignite, this flame) 心の中で爆発する (I’ll explode in your hearts) Aye! Yeah! Aye! Yeah (Chorus) It’s me JH. (Yeah!) You don’t even know how to create! (Ooh!) You think you’re the only one who can rap? (Heh) Well. Feel my rap as I am ’bout to… Snap! (Verse 2) Aye! Were you recording on the floor? 哀れな (Pathetic) But even though I’m behind the… Door? (What even is this? Hah well..) (Bridge) お前のビートは薄っぺらい (Your beat is weak, no substance, mate) 俺の音で世界が揺れる (With my sound, the world will quake) 覚悟しろ、今がその時 (Brace yourself, now is the time) 俺のリリックは火のように燃える (My lyrics burn like flames) (Chorus) It’s me JH. (Yeah!) You don’t even know how to create! (Ooh!) You think you’re the only one who can rap? (Heh) Well. Feel my rap as I am ’bout to… Snap! (Verse 3) お前の声が聞こえない (Can’t hear your voice, where’s it at?) 俺のラップで全て消える (Everything fades with my rap) もう一度試してみな (Try again, give it another shot) 俺のリズムに勝てるか? (Can you beat my rhythm? I think not) (Chorus) It’s me JH. (Yeah!) You don’t even know how to create! (Ooh!) You think you’re the only one who can rap? (Heh) Well. Feel my rap as I am ’bout to… Snap! (Instrumental) (Outro) 燃え尽きろ、お前のスタイル (Burn out, your style’s done) 俺の音でお前は終わる (With my sound, your game is over) もう一度言う、俺がJH (Saying it again, I’m JH) このラップバトルは俺が勝ち取る (This rap battle, I conquer) 次に来るのは…覚悟しとけ (Tsugi ni kuru no wa... kakugo shitoke) (What’s coming next… be prepared) 静かに震えて待て (Shizuka ni furuete mate) (Silently tremble and wait). (Breath of silence) (Hard Rap Solo) 俺の言葉は刃のように鋭い (My words are sharp like a blade) 聞けば魂まで刺さる、響く (Listen, they’ll pierce your soul) このステージで王者として立つ (Standing on this stage as the king) 誰もが恐れ、頭を下げる (Everyone fears and bows to me) 音の波が押し寄せる、強く (Sound waves crashing down, strong) 俺のビートで心震える、深く (Tremble with my beat, deeply) 闇の中で光る、輝く (Shining in the darkness, glowing) 俺のラップで夜が明ける、速く (Dawn breaks with my rap, swiftly) お前の声はもう聞こえない、消える (Can’t hear your voice anymore, fading) 俺の音で全てを覆う、広がる (Covering everything with my sound, spreading) 次の一撃で決める、砕く (The next strike will decide it, shattering) 俺が最強、それが運命、輝く (I am the strongest, that is fate, shining) この舞台で輝く、眩しく (Shining on this stage, dazzling) 俺のラップは永遠に続く、熱く (My rap will last forever, hot) 震えて待て、次に来るのは、近く (Tremble and wait, what’s coming next, near) お前の終わり、俺が決める、確かに (Your end, I will decide, surely) (Instrumental) (Finale) さあ、これで終わりだ、覚悟しろ (The end is here, be prepared) 最後の一撃、決めるぜ、YO! (With the final strike, I make my mark, YO!) 俺がこの曲のキングだ、YO! (I’m the king of this track, YO!) それではまた、次のステージでな (See you again on the next stage).. JH.. Out Sayonara (Hah!)


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