Ma-ry had a lit-tle lamb its fleece was white as snow
Eve-ry where that Ma-ry went the lamb was sure to go
[Verse 1] [Complex Rhymes, Dense Lyrics, Multisyllabic Rhymes]
Rap-ping rap-id-ly lyr-ic-all-ly av-id-ly av-i-din' gram-mar
Catch-ing crowds wow-ing word-ers flow-ing like a sal-mon (swim-mer)
Spit-ting syl-la-bles sil-ly dil-ly dal-ly-ing de-liv-er-y
Flam-ma-ble flames I came and be-gan to jam pre-lim-in-air-y
Lin-gual ac-ro-bat-ics sub-tle lin-guis-tics I'm not just talk-ing
Au-di-ble he-ro-ics vo-cals go-ing bal-lis-tics I keep it mov-ing like a fraulein
E-nun-ci-ate-ing nev-er im-it-ate-ing al-lit-er-ate-ing ad in-fin-i-tum
Per-pet-u-ate-ing e-man-ate-ing lam-in-ate-ing rhymes that I'm sprin-klin'
Ma-ry had a lit-tle lamb its fleece was white as snow
Eve-ry where that Ma-ry went the lamb was sure to go
[Verse 2] [Complex Rhymes, Dense Lyrics, Multisyllabic Rhymes]
From the field she fetched her fleece that fleece-y flock would fleece
Sheep she shep-herd-ed with ease keep-ing each ewe at peace
Care-ing care-giv-er en-sure-ing their warm cov-er
Sheer-ing share-ing none went bare-ing when win-ter winds would hov-er
Wove-en wool spun to full fleece a fleece-ful yield
Her lit-tle lamb trailed nev-er failed to fol-low field to field
Vo-cal ve-lo-si-rap-tor lick-et-y split with the syl-la-ble stack at-tack
Tongue twist-ers lyr-i-cal gun-fire rap-id-ly fire-ing vo-cals from the back.
Ma-ry had a lit-tle lamb its fleece was white as snow
Eve-ry where that Ma-ry went the lamb was sure to go
[Verse 3] [Complex Rhymes, Dense Lyrics, Multisyllabic Rhymes]
Frol-ick-ing fol-lick-al-ly wool-ly wan-der-er wool-en mean-der-er
Mun-to-ni-an am-bu-la-tor traips-ing dais-ies with-out de-murr-er
Mim-ick-ing mare's ma-ter-nal me-an-der-ings that do-cile lamb
Gam-boled and scrambled scram-bl-ing to scram-ble be-hind her ma’am
Cum-ber-some herd yet that wor'ren worth her salt earned her worth
Calm-ly cor-rall-ing gent-ly ush-er-ing leav-ing none to fault
More fleet and force-ful pour-ing forth flu-id word whirling
An-oth-er lev-el doub-le troub-le stead-i-ly ped-dling peak pers-pic-a-cious-ness
Ma-ry had a lit-tle lamb its fleece was white as snow
Eve-ry where that Ma-ry went the lamb was sure to go
[Verse 4] [Complex Rhymes, Dense Lyrics, Multisyllabic Rhymes]
Mar-vel-ous-ly mo-bile mer-ry mare am-bled a-round med-oh
Lit-tle lamb-kin leaped and scamp-erred al-ways trail-ing her shad-ow
Play-ful-ly prance-ing puck-ish-ly cape-er-ing chas-ing but-ter-flies
While fleece-y fol-low-er fol-lowed close those wool-ly won-der-ing eyes
Agile o-vine air-o-bic-ally roam-ing gam-bo-ling with glee
Never lag-ging or ling-er-ing lithe-ly bound-ing to keep near she
Con-stant-ly in tow that tin-y trot-ting trou-per con-tin-ued
Ma-ry's ver-y own vag-a-bond per-i-pa-tet-ic lit-tle re-cid-i-vist
[Complex Rhymes, Dense Lyrics, Multisyllabic Rhymes]
Per-sist-ent-ly pur-su-ing per-petch-u-al-lee scam-per-ing a-long
Keep-ing ki-net-ic cay-dence with that care-giv-ing song
Im-i-tay-tive sim-u-lay-tive rep-li-cate-ing that maid-ens course
Un-fail-ing-lee ac-com-pa-ny-ing un-sway-a-ble from its source
While she in-dulged her pas-tor-al passion tend-ing to her whole-some herds
That frol-ic-some lamb was frisk-ing-ly fol-low-ing more loy-al than spok-en words
Gam-bol-ing and frisk-ing a frol-ic-some sight to sur-vale
Two range-ing ram-bling rove-ers roam-ing ex-plor-ing the vales
So scat-ter that pat-ter laser-pre-cise with pro-nun-see-ay-shun
Raise the leer-ic-al me-ter high-er as-send-ing in vex-ay-shun
Nev-er lax in lay-ing these ret-ro-grade rhymes I inked
Call it com-plex or vexed text still I per-sist un-daunt-ed
[Alt-hook x2 Outro fade]
Ma-ry had a lit-tle lamb its fleece was white as snow
Eve-ry where that Ma-ry went the lamb was sure to go