[Guitar Intro]
[Verse 1]
A little boy sits alone by the shore,
Gazing up at the sky, feeling small and unsure.
Clouds dance and twist, forming shapes in the air,
A dragon breathing fire, a knight with a fiery glare.
[Verse 2]
Fear grips his heart as the images unfold,
The dragon roars, the knight's sword gleams bold.
Footsteps behind him, he turns with a start,
A little girl, curious, with innocence in her heart.
It's up to us to read the signs from above,
But in the end, we're the masters of our fate, our love.
[Verse 3]
From his pocket, he pulls a shell, worn and old,
Wanting to share a treasure, a story untold.
But the girl scoffs, calling it shabby and plain,
Knocking it from his hand, leaving him in pain.
[Verse 4]
With laughter, she flees, leaving him behind,
His heart heavy with disappointment, feeling confined.
"Will you come back tomorrow?" he calls in vain,
But she's gone, leaving only echoes of her refrain.
But she's gone, leaving only echoes of her refrain.
It's up to us to read the signs from above,
But in the end, we're the masters of our fate, our love.
[Verse 5]
He watches her vanish, then turns to the sky,
No longer afraid, no longer asking why.
For in the vastness above, he finds his peace,
Knowing that fear and doubt can finally cease.
Knowing that fear and doubt can finally cease.
[Verse 6]
As the sun sets and darkness descends,
He realizes the power lies within, not with pretend.
Though clouds may form dragons and knights in flight,
It's our interpretation that brings darkness or light.
It's up to us to read the signs from above,
But in the end, we're the masters of our fate, our love.
For in the vastness above, he finds his peace,
Knowing that fear and doubt can finally cease.
It's up to us to read the signs from above,
But in the end, we're the masters of our fate, our love.