The Final Word

cocktail piano background with a soft spoken male voice

August 8th, 2024suno


Verse 1: Whispered words and sharpened tongues, They think I attacked someone? Hurl your insults, spread your spite, But you’ve proven me right, YOU are the blight. Chorus: Call me names, say what you like, Your words won't change our mortal plight. We’ll all face the same fate’s embrace, No one’s spared in death's cold trace. Verse 2: Lost my heart, my soul, my wife, She was my world, my only light. Sepsis claimed her life you see The hospital is who my ire decree. Bridge: Dancing shadows, endless strife, Every breath just wasting life. You play your game, you think you’re free, But death’s the only guarantee. Verse 3: Hypocrites with hollow fame, Death will claim you all the same. I’m having fun with what’s left of my days, I don’t listen to your music anyways. Verse 4: I forgive your hatred, let it slide, In the end, you can't hide. The hospital commited the crime, it's all absurd, We’ll all face death, THAT'S the final word. Verse 5: You are the wicked one, not me, All I've done is set you free. If you are following to make fun of me, Then your own hell is where you will be. Bridge: My spouse may be cremated, but her spirit is still here, Reuniting with her I'll have no fear. You think I'm a violent and hateful slime, But it is YOU who is wasting your time. Chorus: Call me names, say what you like, Your words won't change our mortal plight. We’ll all face the same fate’s embrace, No one’s spared in death's cold trace. Outro: Echoes fade, and silence heard, In the end, we're all interred. Names and faces all deferred, Death IS the final word. [See, I said I'd have the final say didn't I? Now you know it's not a lie] Monologue of a Madman: I never attacked anyone, you only attack an innocent man who lost his wife of 20 years to sepsis infection - my anger was with the hospital A) for killing her and B) for having the nerve ontop to bill something ridiculous with a blank stare, it was not with any suno users. This is why I have a jaded view of the world, because the world reflects it's true image to me, you think I am the evil one, look in the mirror. - Your relentless cancel culture is an injustice in and of itself, which only serves to fuel my vengeance against it. What you all do is essentially a form of cyber bullying. I'll forgive you if it will break the cycle. But you wouldn't understand until it happens to you personally, this behaviour will only serve to alienate you from potential friendships. Cancel Culture in the USA is a complete affront to the 1st amendment of the constitution and the freedom of expression, including music as art. Here's an alternative thought, if you don't like the content, change the channel or turn off the device. Simply don't participate. Just like the only people who will really understand my pain and anger will be others who have lost a spouse or a child, they say it heals over time. I say it does not, that pain NEVER recedes. But, I would never commit an affront to god by committing suicide, that is something that is never on the table, and shouldn't be for any of you. Hence why I am not 'emo'. I'll instead suffer life without her but live the way I want to until I can't. By refusing to participate in the farce called 'Medical Industry'. I wish I could say I hope it doesn't happen to anyone, but death itself doesn't care. We are ALL going to die one day, every one of us. I'm just accepting my fate sooner and do not fear it, for I know I will reunite with her that much sooner in the end and my torment can cease. To the one person who was nice enough to even speak to me, you pass the test! You earn my admiration and respect as a fellow human being, keep that punk rock alive my dear and keep making those bangers! You are the true alchemist! To you I say, I hope you find a man who will devote himself to you entirely as I have to my loving spouse, may she RIP. Any man who ends up with you should feel honored and privileged to know you. To the rest of you, why would I attack or diss anybody? I don't know any of you to even be involved in any of that nonsense, I have enough problems of my own, suno is supposed to be my escape and outlet of expression. I don't know which song caused this, but clearly this is a misunderstanding somewhere. I've done nothing wrong to you and will gladly and readily apologize to whomever was offended! You have to have a big ego if you thought I was making music about YOU. My retort songs were mainly to get you to leave me alone, but all you did was escalate it further for literally no reason but to be stubborn in YOUR final word. Which I am robbing you of once again here because you are simply wrong here. The long silence mainly was due to not having credits renewed yet to even respond to all this, and it's not like anybody DMed me to sort this out, all of you fail the test of humanity (except for the aforementioned), please reflect on this event and grow up. You could've just shown an old angry man kindness to lift my spirits. No, you have to instead prove my point all along, so I will continue my quest against your evil, I will not be deterred. I was mostly oblivious until I started seeing some patterns and putting two and two together, since I don't have a following and no one was speaking to me, I didn't think any of those songs were about me. My ego isn't as big as yours is apparently. I just make songs about fictional stuff like D&D Rogues and Slayers in my own fictional world and beating dead horses, a metaphor assigned to me by my wife, I just own it and find inventive new ways to beat the horse some more purely in jest. btw I never really cared about being on trending, I already have a family member that is famous (in spain and london orchestra anyways, a master luthier in fact/Yacopi) if you noticed I never once spammed a song on discord at any time, it was always something different - solely for enjoyment I can't help that I like the genre that I like, it's what I grew up with as a Gen X (1970s), I don't understand any of you kids these days and some of your slang goes over my head Enjoy your fame while it lasts, you've earned every bit of it and I wish you all the best, get some love in your heart and then come talk to me like a respectful human being once you have learned how to be one. I'll always extend a hand in friendship to someone in need of it! Even now amidst all this. Please accept this explaination and public apology. And remember, not all angry music out there is made by angry people. You know the saying, don't judge the book by the cover. If you still insist on being cruel and making fun of me go ahead, I'm still not going to listen to your negativity. It's a waste of time and energy. My final message to you all: Spend as much time as you can with your loved ones, they could be gone tomorrow. Maybe logoff and have some coffee with them? I wish I could have even have that again. I'd trade anything for just one more day with her! /perezidente o7


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