
Folk, introspective, moderate tempo, high,female singer,acoustic guitar, piano, strings, soft percussion

July 15th, 2024suno


外面车水马龙,内心门庭若市。 Outside the traffic is incessant, inside my heart is as busy as a marketplace. 我喜欢干活,我喜欢忙起来,忙起来感觉什么都不缺,忙起来忘记了一切。我不怕忙,我就怕空闲。 I like to work, I like to be busy; when I'm busy, it feels like I lack for nothing, I forget everything. I'm not afraid of being busy, I'm afraid of being idle. 芝麻一样,都是芝麻一样,不值一提的小事情。但是满地都是芝麻,满地都是鸡毛蒜皮,让我捡到崩溃。 Like sesame seeds, all trivial matters, not worth mentioning. But the ground is covered with sesame seeds, with trivialities that make me collapse from picking them up. 那天下班很晚,我泡了一碗泡面。面泡好的时候,我早睡着了。 That day, I got off work very late and made a pot of instant noodles. By the time the noodles were ready, I had already fallen asleep. 是为了生活而工作,还是为了工作而活着。我不懂什么主义,我只知道整天忙碌的我,生活离我越来越远。 Do I work to live, or live to work? I don't understand any ideologies; I only know that the busier I am, the further life seems to be from me. 每天你都笑容满面 ,每天都笑迎着生活,可谁知道这美丽笑容背后的不堪。 Every day is filled with smiles, greeting life with a smile, but who knows the sorrow behind the smile. 诗和远方,那年少时的梦,现在却只想躺平,好好睡上一觉。 Poetry and the distant places, those dreams of youth, now I just want to lie flat and get a good night's sleep. 不要诧异我变得沉默,因为这是我找不到方向的选择。 Don't be surprised that I've become silent, because this is my choice when I can't find the direction.


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