
rebellious gospel, male voice mandarin

June 1st, 2024suno


[Intro] [Instrumental] [Verse] 小港燒烤攤 使用木炭燒烤 炭香味四溢 卻帶來臭氣瀰漫 白煙籠罩 遮擋行車視線 煙霧彌漫 整條街道被煙燻 民眾怨聲載道 對這家攤位不滿 [Chorus] 但是這家攤位 背後卻有個秘密 煙霧中藏著 神奇的力量 攤主是一位 仙俠戰士 他利用煙霧 隱藏身份 他的燒烤技藝 不僅帶來美味 更是為了守護這片土地 保護著城市的安寧 [Verse 2] 他的木炭 燃燒著神秘的力量 煙霧中的仙俠 無所不能 他的烤肉技巧 驚艷眾人 用力量和智慧 守護著這座城 [Outro] [Instrumental]


 בן הרוש מה עשית
בן הרוש מה עשית

male vocals , rap , beat , freestyle


indie pop ambient melancholic

Fond Farewell
Fond Farewell

EDM, angelic voice, really heavy bass, extremely awesome build-up and drop

Beacon in the dark
Beacon in the dark

male dark synth new wave post punk

Neon Drift
Neon Drift

instrumental,electronic,electronic dance music,brostep,dubstep,energetic,party

Lost and Found
Lost and Found

syncopated rock edgy electric


Serbian language pop ballad, dramatic, sad, emotional

Gizli Nehirlerim
Gizli Nehirlerim

meditative,progressive electronic,calm


epic pop

Whispers of the Wind
Whispers of the Wind

chill-hop piano lofi

Avantgarde Metal Opener 1
Avantgarde Metal Opener 1

Avantgarde Jazz Metal

Fantasy Dream
Fantasy Dream

electronic k-pop bright

hello v2
hello v2

romantic, pop, guitar

Wandering Thoughts
Wandering Thoughts

deep hip-hop hip-hop lofi

Magic in the Air
Magic in the Air

modern disco

Tudo em você
Tudo em você

Urban Kiz. Kizomba. Electronic. Sensual.

City of Thunder
City of Thunder

male vocalist,female vocalist,rock,melodic,energetic,hard rock