I stand once more before the door
That opens onto unknown lands
I'm searching for the threshold lore
That's buried deep beneath the sands
Shifting upon some distant shore
That long ago an ocean kissed
Yet now it is an endless store
Of silence which will not be missed
When chaos claims the codex core
And shades corrupt the lion's roar
When pride blinds us to crucial flaws
Cause every clause must have its claws
This dejavu is nothing new
Echoes abound in memory
Association is the glue
That catches flies in reverie
The honey up above, it glows
Like gold, it drips upon my nose
The sweetest rose, perfume it throws
Upon all those whose sins it knows
Perceive the pieces of the past
The lesson asking to be learnt
The spell that's calling to be cast
The rebirth which stands to be earnt
To break free of the locked esprit
Of previous identity
To clear conceptual debris
Define dynamic destiny
To take responsibility
And grow in proactivity
To cultivate more honesty
And calibrate for modesty
The hall of mirrors calls to me
For in reflection lies the key
To sowing curiosity
About what one cares not to see
About what one cares not to see
One learns to question death's decree
By recalling his hold on thee
And so, one seeks simply to be
And thus, one tends the lightning tree
Yea, fright'ning though true trying is
In this lies true nobility
The magus knows this is his biz:
To unlock possibility
The Quill, The Blade, The Pillar calls
They sing out and ignite my soul
So that it thirsts for fabled falls
Wherein my I could be made whole
And this alone, I know's the goal
The target at which essence aims
To forge a diamond out of coal
To build a castle out of claims
To use the word to light the way
To write the future with today
To master both body and mind
Surrender and what you may find
Is that there is no break to bind
Because you signed your name while blind
And so, if you sincerely pray
The sun just may come out to play
And so, if you sincerely pray
The sun just may come out to play