In a quiet town of Germany,
Where the rivers softly flow,
A young lad named Martin Luther,
To law school he did go.
His father had great dreams for him,
To see him donned in fame,
But a storm and lightning struck him,
And it changed his life and name.
Oh, Martin Luther, bold and true,
With faith and fire in his soul,
From law to grace, a path he traced,
To make the broken whole.
In the midst of thunder's fury,
He feared for his own soul,
"Save me, Saint Anne," he cried aloud,
A vow he did extol.
He left behind the lawyer’s path,
And chose the monk's retreat,
In Erfurt’s monastery walls,
His destiny he'd meet.
Oh, Martin Luther, bold and true,
With faith and fire in his soul,
From law to grace, a path he traced,
To make the broken whole.
Ordained to priesthood, humble vow,
In robes of black and white,
He sought the answers to his doubt,
In scriptures pure and bright.
Yet still he wrestled, night and day,
With sin and guilt and fear,
Until he found in Paul’s own words,
A truth both bright and clear.
Oh, Martin Luther, bold and true,
With faith and fire in his soul,
From law to grace, a path he traced,
To make the broken whole.
In Wittenberg, on castle door,
In 1517,
Ninety-five Theses, hammer's roar,
To challenge Rome was seen.
"Indulgences cannot absolve,
Nor gold salvation buy,"
He called for truth and penance pure,
His voice a rallying cry.
Oh, Martin Luther, bold and true,
With faith and fire in his soul,
From law to grace, a path he traced,
To make the broken whole.
The Diet of Worms, a grand affair,
In 1521,
Before the emperor he stood,
His journey now begun.
"Here I stand, I can do no other,
My conscience captive to the Word,"
He faced the might of Rome and state,
With faith his only sword.
Oh, Martin Luther, bold and true,
With faith and fire in his soul,
From law to grace, a path he traced,
To make the broken whole.
So let his story echo on,
In hearts both near and far,
For Martin Luther’s steadfast faith,
Still shines like a guiding star.