
Comedy Dance, BPM 128, Key of C Major

April 23rd, 2024suno


[Intro] [Upbeat electronic beats start with playful synth melodies, setting a humorous and light-hearted mood] [Verse 1] 公司廣播說地震兩級,立刻趴下找掩護, 震得像小貓咪一樣,這麼小根本不算驚慌。 看我趴在地上,笑點低得可笑, [Pre-Chorus] 有沒有那麼嚴重?一個小搖晃, 我們這麼大驚小怪,真是太可笑! [Chorus] 地震來了又來了,趴下掩護穩住, 不喧嘩不跑步不推擠,就算震兩級也要抓緊地。 地震來了又來了,廣播再次提醒著, 一點也不像大事件,我們還在繼續忙忙碌碌。 [Verse 2] 趴下掩護穩住,聽廣播的人真是悶, 震兩級就像是蚊子叮,讓人更像是睡夢中。 [Pre-Chorus] 這就是大新聞?或是新的搞笑片? 地震兩級的戲碼,笑料百出,劇情浮誇。 [Chorus] 地震來了又來了,趴下掩護穩住, 不喧嘩不跑步不推擠,就算震兩級也要抓緊地。 地震來了又來了,廣播再次提醒著, 一點也不像大事件,我們還在繼續忙忙碌碌。 [Bridge] 地震兩級是個笑話,不算什麼驚險的事, 所以讓我們繼續唱著歌,一切照常就好啦。 [Fun Interlude] [Playful and whimsical electronic melodies play, featuring quirky sound effects and a brief vocal chop sequence that mimics laughter and playful shouts, adding an element of surprise and fun] [Chorus] 地震來了又來了,廣播依舊提醒著, 但我對椅子依依不捨,我決定繼續坐著, 不接受公司的恐嚇,我就是如此獨特。 [Pre-Outro] 噢,別擔心那兩級小震, 我們只是簡單做個運動,活動活動腰。 [Outro] [The beat drops to a minimal yet catchy rhythm as playful synths underscore the chant-like finale] E-A-R-T-H-Q-U-A-K-E, E-A-R-T-H-Q-U-A-K-E, 地震來了,讓我們一起跳舞, E-A-R-T-H-Q-U-A-K-E, E-A-R-T-H-Q-U-A-K-E, 讓這最後的歌聲,帶著笑容結束。 Earthquake [Fun Interlude] [Playful and whimsical electronic melodies play, featuring quirky sound effects and a brief vocal chop sequence that mimics laughter and playful shouts, adding an element of surprise and fun] [Chorus] 地震來了又來了,廣播依舊提醒著, 但我對椅子依依不捨,我決定繼續坐著, 不接受公司的恐嚇,我就是如此獨特。 [Pre-Outro] 噢,別擔心那兩級小震, 我們只是簡單做個運動,活動活動腰。 [Outro] [The beat drops to a minimal yet catchy rhythm as playful synths underscore the chant-like finale] E-A-R-T-H-Q-U-A-K-E, E-A-R-T-H-Q-U-A-K-E, 地震來了,讓我們一起跳舞, E-A-R-T-H-Q-U-A-K-E, E-A-R-T-H-Q-U-A-K-E, 讓這最後的歌聲,帶著笑容結束。 Earthquake


Song of Serenity
Song of Serenity

folk acoustic medieval

Try my best
Try my best

New Jack swing


Catchy Instrumental intro. [electro swing- witch house]. sweet female vocal, [witch house]

Not My Catch
Not My Catch

soaring broadway orchestral

Drifting in the Clouds
Drifting in the Clouds

uplifting, drum

Wham! California Punk tribute
Wham! California Punk tribute

Nu Metal, Hardcore-Punk, Post-Hardcore, Metalcore, Rap-Rock, Alternative Rock

Velocity Renegade
Velocity Renegade

hip hop,pop rap,rap,hip-hop/rap,east coast hip hop

Boss Battle
Boss Battle

banjo duel, banjo, metal guitar, dupstep

Stânca Revoltei
Stânca Revoltei

male vocalist,rock,metal,thrash metal,aggressive,heavy,angry,energetic,rhythmic,heavy metal,protest,male vocals

Not A Number
Not A Number

Fast punk with raspy female vocals, angry, dark, British, Oi!, urban decay


post-indietronica post-instrumental cello revival, flutes

Electric Soul Legacy
Electric Soul Legacy

male vocalist,hip hop,hardcore hip hop,rhythmic,introspective,vulgar,angry,aggressive,rap,passionate,suspenseful

Cards of Life
Cards of Life

Melodic male vocals, Emotive, hip-hop/trap, sing-rap flow, introspective, melodic beats.

Forbidden love
Forbidden love

Country, Pop, Rock, Saxophone, Male voice

Hazy Head
Hazy Head

Russian ska