[OVERTURE - Full Orchestra]
[INTRO - Narrator]
In the garden, 'neath the olive trees,
Where shadows dance in moonlit breeze,
A tale of love, of sacrifice,
Begins with whispers, calm and nice.
[MOVEMENT 1: The Arrestation of Jesus]
[INTRO - Strings and Woodwinds]
[Judas (in a haunting tone, male soprano):]
"Master, greetings with a kiss,
In this night of shadowed bliss."
[Jesus (calm yet sorrowful, male tenor):]
"Judas, dost thou betray me so?
With a kiss, dost thou strike this blow?"
Betrayed by one he called a friend,
To the Sanhedrin, now they send,
The Son of Man, to face the night,
A journey fraught with pain and plight.
[MOVEMENT 2: The Denial of Peter]
[INTRO - Soft Strings]
[Servant Girl (inquisitive, female mezzo-soprano):]
"Surely you were with the Nazarene,
In his company, you’ve surely been."
[Peter (in distress, male baritone):]
"I know him not, I do declare,
No part of him, no bond to share."
Thrice denied before the dawn,
A rooster’s crow, the truth is drawn,
Peter weeps, his heart in two,
His Master’s words now proven true.
[MOVEMENT 3: The Trial Before Pilate]
[INTRO - Brass and Percussion]
[Pilate (in a stern tone, male bass):]
"Are you the King of the Jews, they say?
What truth have you, what word this day?"
[Jesus (calm and resolute, male tenor):]
"My kingdom is not of this place,
In truth I stand, before your face."
[Pilate (conflicted, male bass):]
"What is truth, what judgment here?
Shall I release this man, or yield to fear?"
[Crowd (chanting, mix of male baritone and female soprano 2):]
"Crucify him, let him be,
Barabbas free, set Barabbas free!"
Condemned by those he came to save,
To Golgotha, the path they pave,
Bearing the cross, the weight of sin,
The journey of redemption to begin.
[MOVEMENT 4: The Way of the Cross]
[INTRO - Strings and Choir]
[Mary (with anguish, female soprano):]
"Oh, my son, my precious light,
Bear this cross, this dreadful plight."
[Soldier (in a commanding tone, male baritone):]
"Move along, to Calvary,
There your fate, your destiny."
Through streets and jeers, the Savior trod,
A heavy cross, the path to God,
Falls and rises, pain and strife,
Marching toward the end of life.
[MOVEMENT 5: The Crucifixion]
[INTRO - Full Orchestra with Choir]
[Centurion (in a loud voice, male bass):]
"Behold the man, the King of Jews,
Nailed to the cross, with iron screws."
[Jesus (with deep sorrow, male tenor):]
"Father, forgive them, they know not,
What they do, this painful lot."
Nailed and lifted, high to see,
A sacrifice for you and me,
The sky grows dark, the earth does quake,
As Heaven weeps, and hearts do break.
[MOVEMENT 6: The Death of Jesus]
[INTRO - Soft Strings and Harp]
[Jesus (with finality, male tenor):]
"My God, my God, why forsake me?
Into thy hands, my spirit be."
With final breath, the curtain tears,
Salvation wrought through pain and prayers,
The Son of God, now laid to rest,
In earthly tomb, the world’s behest.
[MOVEMENT 7: The Burial]
[INTRO - Gentle Strings]
[Joseph of Arimathiea (in a somber tone, male baritone):]
"In this tomb, he shall reside,
A gift for him, our Savior, guide."
[Mary (with sorrow, female soprano):]
"Gently now, lay him down,
In this tomb, no earthly crown."
In the quiet, in the still,
The Savior rests, his task fulfilled,
Await the dawn, the day anew,
The risen Lord, his love in view.
[FINALE - Full Orchestra and Choir (mix of male baritone and female soprano 2):]
From death to life, the story soars,
The Son of God, forevermore,
Love and sacrifice entwined,
A symphony for all mankind.
[OUTRO - Soft Strings Fading]
And so the tale of love divine,
In music, memory, forever shine.