Here are some lyrics exploring what an egalitarian society and economy could look like, and the systemic changes needed to get there:
Verse 1:
For too long we've accepted an imbalanced order
Where the few at the top held the wealth and power
Hoarding vast fortunes behind velvet rope borders
While the many struggled through impoverished orders
But now a new vision is sendo its rays
To restructure societies in more equitable ways
The myth of trickle-down has been revised
No longer will we accept such grand lies
It's time to redistribute and realign the incentives
Through policies like higher wages, taxes progressives
Investing in education, healthcare and public good
Raising up all neighborhoods like true leaders should
We'll build an egalitarian economy that serves the masses
Not one that condones abuses and subjugates the working classes
A new cooperative, collaborative vision we'll embrace
Democratizing wealth and resources to secure a just place
Verse 2:
Elevating organized labor's bargaining position
So all workers receive their fair share with precision
Holding corporations accountable with regulations
To protect communities from profit-driven degradations
Unrigging the game that's been tilted to the privileged breed
Enacting campaign finance reform to reduce monied greed
Socializing key industries and utilities
To provide affordable access as vital communities
Housing and healthcare established as fundamental rights
Not another commodity to be exploited for insider's heights
A sustainable economic paradigm in balance with our world
Ecological practices that aren't endlessly mercantile-hurled
We'll build an egalitarian economy...
From localized mutual aid to globalized unity
We'll intertwine our fortunes in one human community
Steadily dismantling intransigent hierarchies
And artificial divide between identity tribes
The shift won't happen overnight, it's a multi-front fight
Strikes and protests, legislation, voting with all our might
Investing in new models that democratize prosperity
An egalitarian revolution for real participatory society
Verse 3:
No longer treated as disposable cogs in the machine
The underclass uplifted with equity dreams
Decentralizing ownership through stakeholder partnerships
Workers sharing profits and running the enterprises
Democratizing company operations through voting boards
So self-direction flourishes and motivation soars
Unlocking innovation by eradicating subjugation
Breaking free from cycles of poverty's cross-generation
Restructuring land and housing for collective control
So community wealth at last can be the overarching goal
Cooperating globally in international unison
To realize a world beyond hoarded resource divides
We'll build an egalitarian economy...