

April 24th, 2024suno


春秋戰國時,二千五百載 一位聖人出,引響千百代 弟子傳記註,論語治天下 妙言不可喻,唯有起身行 [chorus] 學而不厭,誨人不倦 如切如磋,如琢如磨 過而不改,是謂過矣 與朋友交,言而有信 人無遠慮,必有近憂 知者不惑,仁者不憂 勇者不懼 吾十有五而志於學, 三十而立, 四十而不惑, 五十而知天命, 六十而耳順, 七十而從心所欲 [end] 學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆 毋意,毋必,毋因,毋我 往者不可諫,來者猶可追 我曰之,起而行求三連


Death's Dance
Death's Dance

back and forth between piano, drums. strong piano emphasis. more suspense. invoke tears and smile in the face of death

Amor como esse nunca se viu!
Amor como esse nunca se viu!

Live music, Jamaican ska blues, audience singing live


melodic, anthemic, passionate, chinese folk music, love,

Oh, Wes!
Oh, Wes!

waltz,film score,soundtrack,repetitive,melancholic,romantic,lush,sentimental,orchestral

Kyushu warrior 九州戦士
Kyushu warrior 九州戦士

power post rock,triple male vocalist,japanese,war,koto,gackt,luna sea,issa,shakuhachi

A piece of me
A piece of me

dream pop, bedroom pop, goth pop, m84 and radioheadz style, catchy melody


Post-rock music, with its ambient feel, conveys sadness and tranquility

Fantastical Finality
Fantastical Finality

fantasy, ethereal, odyssey, tavern, chant

Mudda Earth
Mudda Earth

retro radio vibes, Isolated Abstract Dub Reggae, Brass Horns, Electric Guitar

random 03
random 03

chill hip hop


Dark, sad, Dramatic, Tragic,Epic, rising, building up, Drums, Orchester, Male chor Feat. Female. Piano, Violin, Rock

Sky Flirter
Sky Flirter

Beatnik punk robot dubstep slinky dank chill hop funk prog slacker

Pirate King's Quest
Pirate King's Quest

female vocalist,hip hop,pop rap,trap,boastful,energetic

Witch jump
Witch jump

violin intro, groovy, sad, witch house, male voice

Mekzite (Musical Instruments 34)
Mekzite (Musical Instruments 34)

Guitar, flute, drum, saxophone, piano, banjo, accordion, clarinet, cello, flute

Beats of the Cool
Beats of the Cool

hip hop,cloud rap,hardcore hip hop,boom bap,urban,boastful