The Executioner's Axe weapon can be found at the following location:
Can be dropped by Skeletons using this weapon.
The Church of Irith Graveyard.
From the Lake-Facing Cliffs [Map Link] site of grace in Liurnia of the Lakes, head west from the Church of Irith. Follow the cliff until you reach the top where you will find a small graveyard with two Skeletons hanging from a tree. Getting closer will spawn a Skeleton wielding the Executioner's Greataxe to the right of the monument with the Warming Stone in a small grave patch.
The graveyard above Sellia.
From the Church of the Plague (in Caelid, East of Sellia), go north-east, following the coast until you see one of the old man statues (which point to dungeons), slightly further north-east you will see a narrow crevice between some fallen stone arches. A Skeleton wielding the Executioner's Greataxe spawns in this crevice. [Map Link] Beware that having Crepus's Vial equipped will prevent the skeleton from spawning, even when riding Torrent.
The graveyard above Academy Gate Town.
From Gate Town North [Map Link] site of grace, head south and a little east to a graveyard near a large tree. Specific location of the Skeleton wielding the Executioner
Executioner's Greataxe spawns in this crevice. [Map Link] Beware that having Crepus's Vial equipped will prevent the skeleton from spawning, even when riding Torrent.
The graveyard above Academy Gate Town.
From Gate Town North [Map Link] site of grace, head south and a little east to a graveyard near a large tree. Specific location of the Skeleton wielding the Executioner's Greataxe is due east from the South Raya Lucaria Gate site of grace. [Map Link]
Bulky cleaver welded to a long haft. Said to have been used to dispatch the remnants of defeated armies, felling them like timber.
Perhaps that is the reason it excels at critical hits.
Weapon Skill: War Cry
The Executioner's Greataxe can be infused with Ashes of War