Who will believe our story told,
To whom has the Lord’s power been shown?
He grew up like a tender sprout,
From dry ground, a root, unknown.
No beauty did he have to see,
No majesty to draw us near.
No charm to make us want to be,
No sight that would attract us here.
He was despised, rejected by mankind,
A man of sorrows, pain was his friend.
We turned our backs, we hid our face,
But he bore our grief, took our disgrace.
Surely he carried all our pain,
He bore the suffering of our shame.
Yet we thought he was punished by God,
Stricken and afflicted in his name.
But for our sins he was pierced through,
Crushed for all our iniquities.
The punishment for peace was due,
By his wounds, we are set free.
He was despised, rejected by men,
A man of sorrows, pain was his friend.
We turned our backs, we hid our face,
But he bore our grief, took on our disgrace.
Like sheep we've gone our separate way,
Each to our path, we've turned astray.
Yet the Lord laid on him that day,
The sin of us all, he took it away.
Oppressed and judged, he stayed so still,
Like a lamb led to be slain.
Silent, though they did him ill,
In silence bore the pain.
Taken away without a fight,
No one cared for his plight.
Cut off from life, for our sin,
For the sins of his own kin.
Laid with the wicked in the grave,
Yet with the rich in death he lay.
He had done no wrong, no deceit,
But still, he was laid low that day.
He was despised, rejected by mankind,
A man of sorrows, pain was his friend.
We turned our backs, we hid our face,
But he bore our grief, took on our disgrace.
Yet it was the Lord’s plan to bruise,
To cause him pain, his life to lose.
Yet through it all, his life he’ll see,
His days prolonged, his will set free.
After suffering, light will come,
He’ll justify the many, everyone.
Bearing the sins of all the land,
For this, he’ll rise and take his stand.
He was despised, rejected by mankind,
A man of sorrows, pain was his friend.
We turned our backs, we hid our face,
But he bore our grief, took on our disgrace.
For he poured out his soul to death,
Numbered with sinners till his last breath.
He bore the sin of many lives,
And now with the strong, he will rise.