When night falls
The cat with wings flies around the skyscrapers searching for his lost memories
No matter how much he searches, he can't find them
As the morning sun rises, he asks
"How long should I keep going?"
[Verse 2]
One day, the cat picked up a stone
It was small but it sparkled
When he looked inside, he saw a strange cat
He asks
"Are you staying there forever?"
No matter how precious your memories are
Sometimes you have to let them go
No matter how tender and precious your time is
Sometimes you can never get it back
Rather than clinging to what you've lost
Let's pile up new things
These will one day become precious memories
[Verse 3]
The cat talks to the stone again today
"It's raining today, my wings are wet and I can't fly well
What do you do at times like that?"
"This stone rolls right away
Aren't you dizzy?"
[Verse 4]
The cat inside the stone doesn't answer
But he still had fun
Just having someone to talk to makes him feel fulfilled
The stone became his treasure
As he flew around the skyscrapers at night as usual, a gust of wind blew up
When he realized, the stone he had in his mouth was gone
He searched desperately for his treasure, but
no matter how much he searched, he couldn't find it
Memories he couldn't find and treasure he had lost
He had more things to look for
The cat was at a loss as he watched the rising sun
No matter how precious your memories
There are times when you have to let go
No matter how tender and precious your time
There are times when you can never get it back
Rather than clinging to what you've lost
Let's build up new things
These will one day become precious memories
and treasure he had lost
He had more things to look for
The cat was at a loss as he watched the rising sun
No matter how precious your memories
There are times when you have to let go
No matter how tender and precious your time
There are times when you can never get it back
Rather than clinging to what you've lost
Let's build up new things
These will one day become precious memories
No matter how precious your memories
There are times when you have to let go
No matter how tender and precious your time
There are times when you can never get it back
Rather than clinging to what you've lost
Let's build up new things
These will one day become precious memories
Remembering the many things he lost
The cat flies around the skyscrapers today as well
Believing that he will meet them again someday
Remembering the many things he lost
The cat flies around the skyscrapers today as well
Believing that he will meet them again someday