
Grime,Male smoking and drinking voice, strength, hatred, high pitch, excitement,

May 28th, 2024suno


[Verse] 啊~ 啊—— 怒发冲冠,凭栏处、 潇潇雨歇。 抬望眼,仰天长啸, 壮怀激烈。 三十功名尘与土, 八千里路云和月。 莫等闲, 白了少年头, 空悲切! [Verse 2] 靖康耻,犹未雪。 臣子恨,何时灭! 驾长车,踏破贺兰山缺。 [Chorus] 壮志饥餐胡虏肉, 笑谈渴饮凶奴血。 待从头、 收拾旧山河, 朝——天——阙——! [Verse 3] 靖康耻,犹未雪。 臣子恨,何时灭! 驾长车,踏破贺兰山缺。 壮志饥餐胡虏肉, 笑谈渴饮凶奴血。 待从头、 收拾旧山河, 朝——天——阙——! 待从头、 收拾旧山河, 朝——天——阙——!


Moonlit Nights
Moonlit Nights

guitar, atmospheric, atmospheric, piano, dark

Whiskey River Nights
Whiskey River Nights

blues rock boogie woogie driving gritty

勇气 Brave
勇气 Brave

lo-fi, Brave, Never give Up, Fighting, Mix Vocal, soft

Mali Jonjon
Mali Jonjon

Tuareg traditional music

A reményhez
A reményhez

hungarian folk heavy metal

Ateus Brilhantes
Ateus Brilhantes

dreamy hip hop


NU-Metal, Heavy Metal, Male and Female Harmonizing Vocalists

Cyber Queen
Cyber Queen

anthemic electronic techno trance


hip-hop, boom bap, studio clear vocals, crystal clear, professional, fast rapper, 70-500 RPM

The curtain call of today
The curtain call of today

pop, Portuguese 16-bit, gently

Island Groove
Island Groove

Blending style ( Blending the elements of reggae, pop, dub, and ska)

Nocturne Rhythms
Nocturne Rhythms



#lo-fi #hip-hop #female singer

Kiss Haven Air Cool 2.1
Kiss Haven Air Cool 2.1

[upbeat Funk], energetic.bass, soul, female singer, pop, guitar, beat, ambient, upbeat.r&b, piano, r&b

Eternal Night's Embrace
Eternal Night's Embrace

male vocalist,metalcore,rock,metal,electronicore,dark,melodic,aggressive,passionate,angry,heavy,melancholic,melodic metalcore