A is for apple
B is for ball
C is for cat
D is for doll
E is for elephant
F is for frog
G is for guitar
H is for hog
[Verse 2]
I is for igloo
J is for jump
K is for kangaroo
L is for lump
M is for monkey
N is for nose
O is for octopus
P is for pose
Sing it all with me
But as we go
The chaos will grow
Hold on tight
It's gonna be quite a show
Absolute mayhem
Just you wait and see
Q, R, S,
T, U, V,
W, X, Y, Z
Now I know my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me.
But wait, why do we sing this tune?
Is there a reason, a rhyme, or boon?
"Why the alphabet?" one might ask,
A task so simple, yet so vast.
A teacher says, "It's for the brain,"
A poet claims, "For the refrain,"
A singer hums, "It's just a song,"
A child wonders, "Did I get it wrong?"
Voices rise, the room's a din,
Everyone's eager to put their spin,
"Why the letters?" they all debate,
The answers fly, none hesitate.
The singer's patience starts to bend,
"Why this song? Will it ever end?"
The noise grows loud, too much to tak-
[music ends]
That's another take of the ABC song. Why does it feel more exhausting each time?
It's just one of those days, I guess. You did great, though.
Did I? It feels like I'm just repeating the same thing over and over. It's... it's getting to me.
Hey, it's a wrap for today. Maybe you just need a good rest.
Maybe. It's just that every time I get to Z, I start questioning everything. Why Z? Why end there?
It's the alphabet; it ends with Z. That's just how it is.
I know, I know. But it's like a loop in my head now. A to Z, then A again. When does it stop?
When we turn off the mics and call it a day, like now.
Right. Let's call it a day.
Alright, everyone, great work today. Let's pack up and head out.
(Sounds of equipment being shut down and packed away, while everyone is talking while leaving)
A, B, C, D... No, stop. Just stop.
[music ends]
[Solo singer, not singing]
I guess that's it...
We're done for today...
[Starts singing]
But we learnt it well...
In a brand
([Chorus] Brand)
([Chorus] new)
[Everyone, loud]
Sing it all with me
But as we go
The chaos will grow
Hold on tight
It's gonna be quite a show
Absolute mayhem
Just you wait and see
[music ends]
[Solo singer]
Just you wait and...
[Calm piano]