What would you do in a world without me?
Where we never had the chance to meet.
Your heart smashed before it could even grow.
What would you do in a life where we never loved.
Wondering why these tears are rolling down your cheeks.
Unable to remember what's been lost.
What would I do in a world without you?
Where we never had the chance to meet.
My heart smashed before it could even grow.
I wake up with a smile, only to be met with tears.
What have I lost, why can't I remember.
I feel empty, a pain lingering where my heart is.
What would the world be like, without us?
Every experience, every relationship, lost.
A world without us, a existence lost forever.
Our first kiss, our first fight, gone forever.
All our emotions no longer able to flow.
People we knew, never again able to experience.
What would you do in a world without me?
Where we never had the chance to meet.
Your heart smashed before it could even grow.
What would you do in a life where we never loved.
Wondering why these tears are rolling down your cheeks.
Unable to remember what's been lost.
What would I do in a world without you?
Where we never had the chance to meet.
My heart smashed before it could even grow.
I wake up with a smile, only to be met with tears.
What have I lost, why can't I remember.
I feel empty, a pain lingering, where my heart once was.
Life is so cruel, it gives and takes.
No care for those it makes suffer.
A never ending cycle filled with tears.
If I could bring us back, I would do anything.
I would fight to keep what we made.
Fight for that last moment, to be with you.
What would you do in a world without me?
What would I do in a world without you?
What would the world be like, without us?