
Grand, varied, and heroic, blending Taoist arts with chivalry to embody the spirit of a wandering knight.

May 5th, 2024suno


[Verse 1] 长空冷月照山巅, 独行仗剑过红川。 丹炉火焰焚邪念, 符咒驱魔镇人间。 [Chorus 1] 举剑飞花斩千山, 踏破云霄见青天。 道法玄妙护善恶, 豪气长啸入寒烟。 [Verse 2] 青松翠柏作衣袍, 符箓丹药尽藏腰。 掌风雷动劈妖孽, 云雾迷踪不知晓。 [Chorus 2] 一挥长剑定八方, 云中布阵化仙光。 侠义在心斩妖影, 笑傲天地任逍遥。 [Verse 3] 月下鹤影随身走, 雷电随心驱恶谋。 化身金光御风起, 袖藏天雷震九州。 [Chorus 3] 星河浩瀚剑光明, 丹炉熬练至道行。 忠心护道修真法, 仗剑行侠笑苍生。 [Verse 4] 灵泉山下药草深, 武当山高剑意沉。 布雨行云护天下, 一曲长歌扫敌人。 [Chorus 4] 古道千年侠风起, 剑斩魔影天欲明。 符咒仙丹护正义, 快意恩仇永不停。 [Outro] 山高水远寻归路, 江湖侠客逐霜露。 一剑苍穹傲尘世。


Galaxens Slag
Galaxens Slag

hardstyle techno

Snake Pit Seana - Lounge Singer
Snake Pit Seana - Lounge Singer

Lounge Singer, sultry voice, bossa nova, salsa

Sticks and Hearts
Sticks and Hearts

Catchy Instrumental intro. emo electro-swing. infectious sweet female vocal rap, witch house, epic orchestral

Echoes in the Stars
Echoes in the Stars

orchestral cinematic ethereal

Lélé la bricoleuse
Lélé la bricoleuse

house, synthwave, pop, electro, disco, beat, slow voice

Bugs Life
Bugs Life

jazz, groovy funk, metal

Talkin' to the Wall
Talkin' to the Wall

trap heavy bass dark synth

mushroom boy
mushroom boy

Lofi, psychadelic, trip hop


Psychedelic weird elettro rock, ethereal wave, big beat, Viking sound, epic kick


Hostile, Cold, Ominous, Minimalist, Deep Synth, Slow Builds, Beat Drops, Epic

Just Dance
Just Dance

Dance,Driving 1980's Disco-pop, melodic, catchy, chorus in minor

Title: चांदनी रात (Chaandni Raat)
Title: चांदनी रात (Chaandni Raat)

Bossa Nova music style, peaceful song, instrumentation, clear female voice, emotions & feelings, attachment, peace


pop music,violin,male solo,sad, hopeless,crying,lyrical,bass

Super Moon
Super Moon

1960s psychedelic rock

No War, No Death
No War, No Death

Epic melodic metal,Man Voice ,female vokals

msytical techno symphonic cantata
msytical techno symphonic cantata

modern mystical slow techno fx drums melody that combines the symphonic cantata style of Bach with baroque elements

Bleib ruhig
Bleib ruhig

Instrumental synth. intro, dance, orchestra, cinema, epic, drama,synth.-pop, electro violine, hull female voices,

Confusing Love
Confusing Love

mellow acoustic pop

We are making progress
We are making progress

euphoric, Electronic, House, Progressive, happy aggressive melodic saxophone