
Pentatonic Scale, Modern Classic, Game Music, Guzheng & Piano & Chinese Drum & Cello, Slow, Sad, Mellow

April 13th, 2024suno


孤星月下琵琶船 幽女倚弹半生殇 挥指弹落花间颤 客闻止杯泪抵唇 昔年缱绻梦相逢 留恨落念总成空 青衣醉酒红楼阁 芳华碾尽剩孤魂 残生不离悲画缺 嫣然引笑绝情曲 半殇将尽魂梦觅 船家寡言已近岸 曲弦尽断歌如梦 卧寝不觅风花雪 遥崖直坠三万尺 魂回百转鬼寻阴 细雨欲洗渡心桥 白纱纸伞谁人留 古钟独挂折魂树 旧阁忽传轮回经 残生不离悲画缺 嫣然引笑绝情曲 半殇将尽魂梦觅 船家寡言已近岸 [Chorus] 残生不离悲画缺 嫣然引笑绝情曲 半殇将尽魂梦觅 船家寡言已近岸 残生不离悲画缺 嫣然引笑绝情曲 半殇将尽魂梦觅 船家寡言已近岸 [Outro] [END]


삶을 되돌아 보는시간_1
삶을 되돌아 보는시간_1

Ambient, Synthesizer wave disco, emotional chords, orchestra, epic, violin, flute, beautiful, serious, 86bpm.

Haunted Dreams
Haunted Dreams

epic melodic metal female vocals

This Song (For Melanie)
This Song (For Melanie)

Japanese Americana, French Accoustic Chicago Blues


anthemic bedroom pop


Indie Pop, female vocal

Midnight Revelry
Midnight Revelry

Catchy pop song

Neon Dreams
Neon Dreams

synthwave retro nostalgia epic

Kejujuran Cinta
Kejujuran Cinta

RnB Beat Male Voice

Urban Rhapsodies
Urban Rhapsodies

instrumental,instrumental,instrumental,instrumental,film score,jazz,big band,playful,lush,melodic,instrumental


Cinema movies cooking soundrac video games nu Gothic, whistle, piano, melodic punk ska

Knight of the Dance
Knight of the Dance

electronic medieval energetic

Heart So Free
Heart So Free

Folk Style, close-to-nature and humanistic atmosphere, guitar and harmonica

Jingle Bells
Jingle Bells

heavy metal. screaming. Festive

Heartbeat on the Dance Floor
Heartbeat on the Dance Floor

electronic pulsating energetic


Generate an upbeat and energetic song with a male vocalist who showcases exceptional singing skills. Emphasize powerful

Dissonant Reflections
Dissonant Reflections

math rock midwestern emo

Promise for Life
Promise for Life

rap melodic piano

Socks n Sandwiches
Socks n Sandwiches

pop electronic