蔥濕表 三創

cantonese, male voice, indie

May 25th, 2024suno


臣昌言:北帝創業未半恐身陷囹圄,今國會三分,竹塹疲弊,此誠危急存亡之秋也。然 咆哮之聲不懈於內,直播之士忘身於外者,蓋追阿北之殊遇,欲報之於本黨也。   誠宜抖內獻金,以光阿北遺德,恢弘小草之氣,不宜妄自菲薄,引喻失義,以塞新北之 路也。   院中黨中,俱爲一體,投誠切割,不宜異同。若有經司法調查起訴者,宜付黨紀除其黨 籍,以昭本黨平明之治,不宜雙標,使綠營笑話也。   國會八席陳昭姿、國成、春城等,此雖良實,志慮不足,是以阿北簡拔以遺小草。愚以 爲黨中之事,事無大小,悉吾決之,然後施行,必能裨補闕漏,有所廣益。   同黨珊珊,性行淑均,曉暢議事,雖重用於昔日,阿北曾稱之能,是以衆議舉珊爲首。 愚以爲院中之事,亦吾決之,必能使藍白和穆,優劣得所也。   親側翼,遠小草,此壹肆伍零所以可恨也;親小草,遠側翼,此第三勢力所以可信也。 阿北在時,每與臣論此事,未嘗不歎息痛恨於英、賴也。學姊、珍羽、戰狼、許甫,此悉貞 亮死節之臣也,願小草親之信之,則國運昌隆,可計日而待也。   臣本主席,安頓於時力,苟全國會於不分區,不求競選於地方。阿北不以臣卑鄙,為求 官職,三投身於各黨之中,諮臣以立院總召,由是感激,遂許阿北以驅馳。後值開議,舔藍 於表決之際,作秀於鏡頭之間,爾來三月有餘矣。阿北見臣坐大,故不願寄臣以大事也。舔 藍以來,夙夜憂歎,恐此計不效,以傷選舉之徑,故五月顧門,傅撫不毛。今法案將定,綠 營已平,當親藍舔傅,甘為忠犬,庶竭駑鈍,攘除綠共,說服藍營,參選新北,此臣所以博 聲量,而晉身位之手段也。至於不計損益,從我之言,則昭姿、林、吳之任也。   願藍營託臣以新北大位之效;不效,則龜縮不分區,以直播告小草之靈。若無團進團出 ,則責昭姿、林、吳等之慢,以彰其咎。小草亦宜抖內,欺善怕惡,舍我其誰。收割阿北聲 量,臣獨具俊俏臉龐。   今當作秀,國會咆哮,不知所云。


Life and Death
Life and Death

nu metal rock pop punk

Under Water 5
Under Water 5

Caribbean, steel drum, aggressive, slow, underwater, rap, bluegrass, dark, slower, power spike

Shining Star Ritu
Shining Star Ritu

electronic pop


Creative. SouBluess. Drum and bass. Guitar Electric- Male

Dancing In Dark
Dancing In Dark

Rock, Anthemic, Emotion, Stomp, Raw, New Wave

Transcension by the Speed of Light
Transcension by the Speed of Light

syncopated acid space trance

Break my Fall
Break my Fall

Djent, Instrumental Hook's, Huge Chorus

బాధ ఎండుతో
బాధ ఎండుతో

rhythmic pop electronic

Iron Rebellion
Iron Rebellion

Dark, Vocaloid, Death-Metal, Female, Male, Sci-Fi, Horror, Patriotic

Groove in the Sunlight
Groove in the Sunlight

funk afro-pop soul disco reggae/dancehall rhythmic

Starlight Fox Dance
Starlight Fox Dance

darksynth pop soulful sung by a female contralto

위로의 별
위로의 별

uplifting smooth ballad

Rayman First step
Rayman First step

atmospheric, flute, violin, piano, indie

Battle of the Fallen
Battle of the Fallen

epic melancholic orchestral

When Driving, please chill
When Driving, please chill

driving lo-fi, cloudy chillhop, rainy synthwave, bubble drops

Echoes in Istanbul
Echoes in Istanbul

melodic rock turkish

Inner Demons
Inner Demons

clean guitar arpeggios, progressive metal, slow fade in intro