Dhammakaya Eulogy Pali

Holy, esoteric, mysterious, soul, calm, peaceful, chant, eternal.

July 17th, 2024suno


--- ### **Choir and Orchestra Arrangement: Hymnus in Laudem Dhammakaya (in Advanced Pali with Alamkara)** #### **I. Sabbam jitam mayā baladhevena (Chorus and Orchestra)** (Tutti - Full Choir and Orchestra) **Chorus:** Sabbam jitam mayā baladhevena. Dhammakāyaṃ abhivandiyaṃ, Nibbāne nivasantaṃ. **Orchestra:** (Majestic and grand introduction with brass, strings, and timpani, reminiscent of Handel’s "Hallelujah Chorus.") **Chorus:** Asaṅkhyeyyāni sataṃ sahassāni raṃsijotipabandhā, Buddhajñānena saṃyujjanti, loke taṇhāvinodanaṃ karonti. #### **II. Dhammakāyassa rūpāni sobhanti (Soprano and Alto)** (Soprano and Alto soloists with light string accompaniment, similar to the lyrical arias found in Bach’s "Mass in B Minor.") **Soprano:** Dhammakāyassa rūpāni sobhanti, uttaragunanimmitaṃ, Attabhāvo acchariyo, mahāpuriso sabbato. **Alto:** Padumāsannibhā makuṭaṃ vahanti, deho vajirasannibho, Sabbāññutaṃ loke, sabbesu sattesu vasati. #### **III. Kāyassa majjhe sattamasthāne (Tenor and Bass)** (Tenor and Bass soloists with woodwinds and harp, akin to the duet sections in Handel’s "Messiah.") **Tenor:** Kāyassa majjhe sattamasthāne, ariyaphalamaggapatti, Cittassa samatho khippaṃ, majjhe cittaṃ mudukaṃ. **Bass:** Dhammakāyo pātubhavati, buddhaguṇavibhūsito, Pāramīsāgaraṃ, appameyyaṃ. #### **IV. Dhammakāyo dhammakkhandho (Full Choir)** (Full Choir with rich orchestration, featuring strings, woodwinds, and percussion, echoing the grandeur of the choral sections in Bach’s "Magnificat.") **Chorus:** Dhammakāyo dhammakkhandho, niccābhāvavibhāvitaṃ, Sukhappatto, saraṇo ca. #### **V. Asaṅkhyeyyāni caturāsītisahassāni (Solo Quartet and Choir)** (Solo Quartet: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass with Choir responses, resembling the quartet and chorus interplay in Beethoven’s "Missa Solemnis.") **Quartet:** Asaṅkhyeyyāni caturāsītisahassāni dhammakkhandhā, lokuttarāni, Sīlena ca paññāya, paripūritā. **Chorus:** Ratnasamiddhīhi acchādayanti, dibbavimānaṃ, Dhammaraso yathā, sakalaloke sādhukāraṃ, Yathā rajodhūli, na tulayati dhammakāyaṃ. #### **VI. Pasannena pūjitāni (Full Choir and Orchestra)** (Tutti - Full Choir and Orchestra with majestic and final tones, emulating the powerful closing movements of large choral works.) **Chorus:** Pasannena pūjitāni, avippavāsamānāni, Dhammakāyassa sampatti, sabbesaṃ hitesinā. **Orchestra:** (Brass fanfare and triumphant strings, building to a climactic moment.) **Chorus:** Saṅkappasaṅghāṭehi, anekāni sattāni, Dhammacakkaṃ pavatteti, sabbakālikaṃ sukhaṃ. **Orchestra:** (Harp glissando and ethereal woodwinds, providing a gentle yet profound atmosphere.) **Finale:** (Tutti - Full Choir and Orchestra) Puññānubhāvena, māraṃ vijayaṃ, parāyaṇaṃ dhammapāramiṃ. **Orchestra:** (Grand closing with full orchestral flourish, reminiscent of the majestic finales of Baroque and Classical choral works.) ___


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