### **Choir and Orchestra Arrangement: Hymnus in Laudem Dhammakaya (in Advanced Pali with Alamkara)**
#### **I. Sabbam jitam mayā baladhevena (Chorus and Orchestra)**
(Tutti - Full Choir and Orchestra)
Sabbam jitam mayā baladhevena.
Dhammakāyaṃ abhivandiyaṃ, Nibbāne nivasantaṃ.
(Majestic and grand introduction with brass, strings, and timpani, reminiscent of Handel’s "Hallelujah Chorus.")
Asaṅkhyeyyāni sataṃ sahassāni raṃsijotipabandhā,
Buddhajñānena saṃyujjanti, loke taṇhāvinodanaṃ karonti.
#### **II. Dhammakāyassa rūpāni sobhanti (Soprano and Alto)**
(Soprano and Alto soloists with light string accompaniment, similar to the lyrical arias found in Bach’s "Mass in B Minor.")
Dhammakāyassa rūpāni sobhanti, uttaragunanimmitaṃ,
Attabhāvo acchariyo, mahāpuriso sabbato.
Padumāsannibhā makuṭaṃ vahanti, deho vajirasannibho,
Sabbāññutaṃ loke, sabbesu sattesu vasati.
#### **III. Kāyassa majjhe sattamasthāne (Tenor and Bass)**
(Tenor and Bass soloists with woodwinds and harp, akin to the duet sections in Handel’s "Messiah.")
Kāyassa majjhe sattamasthāne, ariyaphalamaggapatti,
Cittassa samatho khippaṃ, majjhe cittaṃ mudukaṃ.
Dhammakāyo pātubhavati, buddhaguṇavibhūsito,
Pāramīsāgaraṃ, appameyyaṃ.
#### **IV. Dhammakāyo dhammakkhandho (Full Choir)**
(Full Choir with rich orchestration, featuring strings, woodwinds, and percussion, echoing the grandeur of the choral sections in Bach’s "Magnificat.")
Dhammakāyo dhammakkhandho, niccābhāvavibhāvitaṃ,
Sukhappatto, saraṇo ca.
#### **V. Asaṅkhyeyyāni caturāsītisahassāni (Solo Quartet and Choir)**
(Solo Quartet: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass with Choir responses, resembling the quartet and chorus interplay in Beethoven’s "Missa Solemnis.")
Asaṅkhyeyyāni caturāsītisahassāni dhammakkhandhā, lokuttarāni,
Sīlena ca paññāya, paripūritā.
Ratnasamiddhīhi acchādayanti, dibbavimānaṃ,
Dhammaraso yathā, sakalaloke sādhukāraṃ,
Yathā rajodhūli, na tulayati dhammakāyaṃ.
#### **VI. Pasannena pūjitāni (Full Choir and Orchestra)**
(Tutti - Full Choir and Orchestra with majestic and final tones, emulating the powerful closing movements of large choral works.)
Pasannena pūjitāni, avippavāsamānāni,
Dhammakāyassa sampatti, sabbesaṃ hitesinā.
(Brass fanfare and triumphant strings, building to a climactic moment.)
Saṅkappasaṅghāṭehi, anekāni sattāni,
Dhammacakkaṃ pavatteti, sabbakālikaṃ sukhaṃ.
(Harp glissando and ethereal woodwinds, providing a gentle yet profound atmosphere.)
(Tutti - Full Choir and Orchestra)
Puññānubhāvena, māraṃ vijayaṃ, parāyaṇaṃ dhammapāramiṃ.
(Grand closing with full orchestral flourish, reminiscent of the majestic finales of Baroque and Classical choral works.)