Broken Heaven

Orchestral Rock, Mixed Vocal, 128 BPM, D Minor, String Ensemble & Electric Guitar & Timpani & Synthesizer, female vocals

May 30th, 2024suno


[Intro] [String Ensemble with a haunting synthesizer melody] [Verse 1] [D Minor] From celestial bounds to the battlegrounds, [G Minor] A seraph falls to the human sounds. [Bb Major] Amidst the beauty, amidst the pain, [F Major] An angel walks where the broken reign. [Bridge] [Timpani roll leading to a powerful orchestral rise] (Whispers of strings and choir) With fractured wings, she sees the wars we wage, The cycle of wrath that fills our earthly stage. [Chorus 1] [Orchestra and Rock Band Explosion] [D Minor] Seraph of the sorrowed skies, [A Minor] She hears our truths, she knows our lies. [Bb Major] The beauty and the beast inside, [F Major] With every tear an angel cried. [Verse 2] [String Ensemble with Electric Guitar echoing the melody] [D Minor] Through streets of rage, she walks alone, [G Minor] Where hearts are stone, and kindness is overthrown. [Bb Major] She feels the weight of our desires, [F Major] Burning bright like funeral pyres. [Pre-Chorus] [Soft Rock Rhythm with Orchestral Background] [Guitar and violins in a subtle duet] In the silence, she whispers peace, A plea for the cruelty to cease. [Chorus 2] [Electric Guitar and Full Orchestra] [D Minor] A different angel, a different fight, [A Minor] Against the darkness, she brings the light. [Bb Major] But human hands craft human plight, [F Major] With more guns in the night. [Bridge 2] [Synthesizer and Guitar build-up] [Epic build-up reflecting inner turmoil] The beauty we hold, the cruelty we breed, She stands in the storm of our insatiable need. [Verse 3] [Orchestral Climax with Choir] [D Minor] Mirror of our world, so bittersweet, [G Minor] Where violence and compassion meet. [Bb Major] The seraph sings of a world renewed, [F Major] Where love is the power that’s pursued. [Break] [Electric Guitar Solo over Orchestral Backdrop] (A moment of reflection in the eye of the storm) [Final Chorus] [Full Orchestra and Rock Band with Choir] [D Minor] Can we mend the wings that we've torn apart? [A Minor] Can her song of peace surpass the sound of war? [Bb Major] In the dance of cruelty and beauty’s art, [F Major] May her love be the weapon we're fighting for. [Outro] [Orchestra and Electric Guitar fading with a hopeful tone] [End] [Instrumental with a final chord echoing into silence] (The end of the seraph’s lament, the beginning of hope) [Outro] [Orchestra and Electric Guitar fading with a hopeful tone] [End] [Instrumental with a final chord echoing into silence]



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