[old man talking]
(If the truth can be told
So as to be understood
It will be belived)
[male story talk]
(Now, the first thing, though, that we have to do is to get our perspective
with some background about the basic ideas which influence our everyday common
sense, our fundamental notions about what life is about.
Ideas of the world which are built into the very nature of the language we use
and of our ideas, of logic and of what makes sense altogether.
And these basic ideas I call myths, not using the word myth
to mean simply something untrue.
But to use the word myth in a more powerful sense,
a myth is an image in terms of which we try
to make sense of the world)
[drop hard]
[Gandalf speak]
(We have this hostility to the external world
because of the superstition, the myth, the absolutely unfounded theory
that you yourself exist only inside your skin)
[bird song]
[old man talking]
(We have this hostility to the external world
because of the superstition, the myth, the absolutely unfounded theory
that you yourself exist only inside your skin
Now, I want to propose another idea altogether.
If you think that you are only inside your skin, you define yourself as one very complicated little curlicue,
way out in space and way out in time. Billions of years ago, you were a big band.
Now you're a complicated human being. But so we define ourselves as being only that.
And we then we cut ourselves off and don't feel that we are still the big bang.
But you are. Depends how you define yourself.
You are the big bang. The original force of the universe coming on as whoever you are)
[*old man talking]
"If you think that you are only inside your skin, you define yourself as one very complicated little curlicue"
[big drop]
Way out in space and way out in time. Billions of years ago, you were a big bang.
Now you're a complicated human being. But so we define ourselves as being only that.
And we then we cut ourselves off and don't feel that we are still the big bang.
But you are. Depends how you define yourself.
You are the big bang. The original force of the universe coming on as whoever you are)
[*old man talking]
"See, when I meet you, I see not just what you define yourself as.
Mr. So-and-so. Ms.. So-and-so. Mrs. So-and-so.
[*] I see every one of you as the
primordial energy of the universe coming on at me in this particular way.
I know I'm that too, but we've learned to define ourselves as separate from it"
[mega drop]
[man whisper]
("You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean,
the ocean waves and the universe peoples.
And as the wave I wave at you and say You, the world is waving at me with you
and saying, Hi, I'm here. But the way we feel and sense our existence being based on a myth
that we are made, that we are parts, that we are things our consciousness has been influenced.
So that each one of us does not feel that we feel we have been hypnotized,
literally hypnotized by social convention into feeling and sensing that we exist only inside our skins,
that we are not the original band, but just something out on the end of it. And therefore we are scared stiff")
[man whisper]
("that we are not the original bang, but just something out on the end of it. And therefore we are scared stiff
Cause my wave is going to disappear and I'm going to die.
And that be awful beautiful. You are a
You are a separate event. And you run from the maternity ward to the crematorium.
And that's it, baby. Now, why does anybody think that way?
There's no reason to. Because it isn't even scientific. It's just a myth")
[man whisper]
("If there is any such thing at all as intelligence and love
and beauty. Well, you found it in other people.
In other words, it exists in us as human beings. And as I said, if it is there in us,
it is symptomatic of the scheme of things.
We are a symptomatic of the scheme of things as the apples are symptomatic of the apple tree or the rose of the rosebush.
When as a scientist you describe the behavior
of living organism, you try to say what a person does.
The only way in which you can describe what a person is, describe what they do.
Then you find out that in making this description, you cannot confine yourself to what happens inside the skin.
So if that is necessary, if in other words, in order to describe my behavior, I have to describe your behavior and the behavior of the environment.
It means that we've really got one system of behavior that what I am
involves what you are. I don't know who I am unless I know who you are
and you don't know who you are unless you know who I am. In other words, we are not separate. We and our environment and all of us
and each other are interdependent systems. We know who we are in terms of other people we all up together.")
[man whisper]
("So if that is necessary, if in other words, in order to describe my behavior, I have to describe your behavior and the behavior of the environment.
It means that we've really got one system of behavior that what I am
involves what you are. I don't know who I am unless I know who you are
and you don't know who you are unless you know who I am.
In other words, we are not separate. We and our environment and all of us
and each other are interdependent systems. We know who we are
in terms of other people we all up together.")
[man whisper]
("And any good scientist knows that what you call the external world
is as much you as your own body.
But the problem is, you see, we haven't been taught to feel that way.
The myths underlying our culture and underlying our common sense have not taught us to feel identical with the universe, but only parts of it.")
[drop base]
("Only in it only confronting aliens.
And we are,
I think,
quite urgently in need of coming to feel that we are the eternal universe,
each one of us")
[angel song]
we are going to go
[Ecliptic finish]
[drop base]
[old woman whisper]
love love love
[old woman whisper]
we are going to go
[bombastic finish]
[angel song]
[big drop]
[children laughing]
[old woman whisper]
we are going to go
out of our heads")
[bombastic finish]
[angel song]
[big drop]
[children laughing]
[bombastic finish]
[angel song]
[big drop]