We ain't no brave, wandering souls
But here we are
Aboard the Dawn de leon
We're soaring through the skies
Faster than boats, We're hanging with the guys
Chauncey has our food, Mahko's got the helm
We're here aboard the Dawn de leon
until we reach the end of the line
[Verse 1]
Naveen plays her tunes on that little fiddle of hers,
She can be really rude,
But that's part of why we love having her around!
[Verse 2]
Panic has his charms.
He'll burn you up just for losing at cards,
He gets a sad look on his face sometimes but pushes it aside,
so watch out for that guy
We ain't no brave, wandering souls
But here we are
Aboard the Dawn de leon
We're soaring through the skies
Faster than boats, We're hanging with the guys
Chauncey has our food, Mahko's got the helm
We're here aboard the Dawn de leon
until we reach the end of the line
Aboard the Dawn de leon
We're soaring through the skies
Faster than boats, We're hanging with the guys
Chauncey has our food, Mahko's got the helm
We're here aboard the Dawn de leon
until we reach the end of the line
[Verse 3]
Steel does his thing,
He's got a lot to say
But when it counts
He helps us to find our way.
Always looking out for the squad
[Verse 4]
Thargrin's alright, he's kind and sweet. We're starting to forgive him, and his hairy feet.
He swims real fast and he cries a lot,
but he's the toughest of the lot
We ain't no brave, wandering souls
But here we are
Aboard the Dawn de leon
We're soaring through the skies
Faster than boats, We're hanging with the guys
Chauncey has our food, Mahko's got the helm
We're here aboard the Dawn de leon
until we reach the end of the line
Aboard the Dawn de leon
We're soaring through the skies
Faster than boats, We're hanging with the guys
Chauncey has our food, Mahko's got the helm
We're here aboard the Dawn de leon
until we reach the end of the line
Oh captain, my captain
Mahko keeps us on our feet
We work for her, she pays us well
Now it's time for us to tell her just how much she means
Aboard the Dawn de leon
We're soaring through the skies
For our crew, We'll eventually die
We love this ship and we can't wait
To see where else it takes us
Aboard the Dawn de Leon
We're in the skies