Elevate Tonight

It's a thing A song that instructs yo to get high ,hip hop,electropop,

April 12th, 2024udio


[chorus] CO2 in a balloon Hot rail thru water to cool Red light out the can Green light out whip its


Face-Melter Blues
Face-Melter Blues

gritty delta blues powerful

Is life a destination
Is life a destination

Gritty Female Vocal. Rock Power ballad. Clean Piano. Guitar. Saxophone. Sad Song. Slow Tempo

Les Raptous
Les Raptous

Pop rock, male voice, road rap

Burning Fury 🔥
Burning Fury 🔥

speedcore intense high-energy

Midnight Melodies
Midnight Melodies

progressive melodic house with lead piano

Violetita de mi vida
Violetita de mi vida

infectious dance

Can't Wait
Can't Wait

trap syncopated

The Battle of the Wicked Woods
The Battle of the Wicked Woods

8-bit demonic bluegrass metal


lo-fi bossa nova, cozy bedroom, innocent lonely, kawaii catchy

Короли Кухни
Короли Кухни

intense hard metal electric

O sol Trance
O sol Trance

electric guitar, drum

Manicured Facades
Manicured Facades

rock,pop rock,alternative rock,energetic,anthemic,modern

Pengorbanan Ibu
Pengorbanan Ibu

emotional mellow pop

Tales of a warrior (Alt)
Tales of a warrior (Alt)

Epic intro, medieval, epic, female voice,

Wandering Heart
Wandering Heart

slow japanese shoegaze female voice happy