The Complete Bone Song: All 206 of them!

70BPM,C-MAJOR,Rhytimic,Repetitive,Steady, consistent, TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR, MNEMONIC

May 22nd, 2024suno


[VERSE 1] In the head, the skull's our guide, Twenty-two bones, side by side. Frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, Sphenoid, ethmoid, so integral. Nasal, maxilla, zygomatic pair, Palatine, lacrimal, bones so rare. Inferior concha, vomer, mandible strong, These bones together help us sing this song. [CHORUS] Cervical to thoracic, lumbar next in line, Sacrum, coccyx, vertebrae align. Seven, twelve, five, then fused and more, Twenty-six bones, our spine's core. [VERSE 2] Ribs protect, they're strong and true, Twenty-four in all, and sternum too. True ribs seven pairs, false ribs three, Floating ribs two pairs, they’re key. Clavicle and scapula start the show, Humerus, radius, ulna in the flow. Carpals, metacarpals, phalanges fine, In our hands, they form a design. [BRIDGE] Carpals eight in each wrist, let’s name them all, Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform small. Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate, Metacarpals five each, phalanges articulate. [VERSE 3] Pelvis strong, with ilium, ischium, pubis, Fused together, like a sturdy hub. Femur, patella, tibia, fibula neat, Tarsals, metatarsals, toes complete. [CHORUS] Tarsals seven in each foot, let’s list, Talus, calcaneus, navicular, don’t miss. Medial, intermediate, lateral cuneiform, Cuboid bone helps us perform. [OUTRO] Phalanges in the feet, twenty-eight in all, Fourteen in each, they stand tall. Auditory ossicles, six small bones, Malleus, incus, stapes, in each ear alone. Two hundred six bones, a marvelous crew, From head to toe, they make us true. Remember this song, sing it with glee, And bones will dance in your memory! 🎶 [END] [END] [END] [END] FULL HUMAN SKELETON for the picture


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