Laughing is Fucking Healthy
(ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!)
(Verse 1)
No matter how down you are, laugh,
So you can get back up and continue.
Life is colorful, chaotic, and full of danger,
But if you take it with humor,
It's still wonderful.
Don't destroy yourself with negativity,
Be who you are and don't change your nature.
Life has so much to offer, you can see it,
When you laugh, you're truly alive.
Laughter is contagious, laughter maintains friendship,
Laughter sparks joy, love, and lasts forever.
Live, love, laugh,
Life isn't crap.
Life is colorful and bright,
Laughing is healthy.
Giving a smile,
Is a gift,
That almost always comes back.
Who smiles instead of raging,
Is always the stronger one.
(Verse 2)
Laughter is beneficial to life's vitality,
Smiling is the best way to show your enemies your teeth,
Because laughter means letting go.
Laughing away is the best way to deal with problems,
It makes you happy and not depressed.
I speak from experience,
Those who laugh continuously and don't let negativity bring them down
Have fun in life and see everything as colorful and bright.
You're open to new things and ready to see things in a different light.
Automatically, you approach things differently,
Laughing is simply healthy.
Laughter is contagious, laughter maintains friendship,
Laughter sparks joy, love, and lasts forever.
Live, love, laugh,
Life isn't crap.
Life is colorful and bright,
Laughing is healthy.
Giving a smile,
Is a gift,
That almost always comes back.
Who smiles instead of raging,
Is always the stronger one.
A day without laughter is a lost day,
Love comes to you when you are full of joy.
Love brightens your life,
Laughter is your light and guide.
It's better to be crazy and laugh than to be depressed and sad.
Those who laugh live, those who cry fall.
Don't hold back, be who you are,
The path of laughter is your happiness.