
Cantonpop, J Rock, rap, lofi

March 23rd, 2024suno


先旨聲明,這個是正經post 我真係有野想同大家講 等大家唔好盲目追捧呢d所謂既偶像 我家姐一路都在太古廣場一間名牌做sales 間店有好多有錢人同名人幫襯 做了很多年,已經是senior 咁多年黎都好俾心機做,經理亦好like佢 因為收入不錯又隱定,家姐原本諗住同拍拖多年既bf結婚 咁多年黎我家姐好少俾人投訴 而且同好多大客既關係都唔錯 前排關心研去過我家姐間店幫襯 不過serve佢既不是我家姐,但佢一買就買左好多野 過左個幾星期,佢又再去間店行 上次serve果個Day-off, 咁我家姐就頂上serve佢 開頭已經好有禮貌介紹d新貨俾佢, 仲話俾折頭佢 佢就無乜反應,望一望另一堆客 果堆客係大陸人,三至四個,講野好大聲 關小姐就同我家姐講話可唔可以關左間鋪一陣 等佢揀衫 我家姐同我講,佢公司一向唔俾佢地咁做 驚做壞個頭,除非真係有乜大人物,好多記者好混亂先可以咁做 但佢見到關小姐黑口黑面,都識做話打電話去問一問老闆 老闆梗係話唔得啦,至多俾多d折頭她 咁關小姐就發老脾,鬧到我家姐一面屁 d說話勁難聽,又話自己買野既錢多過我家姐搵幾年既錢 我家姐都唔敢得罪佢,一味道歉 跟住關小姐就走左人,家姐就同老闆備案 老闆了解左情況就無再追問 過左兩日佢接到老闆電話話收到complaint 話有人投訴佢態度唔好,唔理顧客感受 公司policy一向唔話俾佢地知係邊次事件 我家姐估黎估去都淨係得失過關小姐一人 總之俾老闊話左兩句 又過幾日,關小姐又黎 這次和件西裝友一齊,但好在成店都無其他客 我家姐怕又惹事,叫左個junior過去serve佢 點知條老西友係要點番我家姐serve.. 根住關小姐就玩野,試衫,但話d衫俾其他人試過污糟 要開新衫試,我家姐雖然知公司唔俾咁做, 但怕左佢,唯有照做 點知試左兩三件,件件佢都要咁試又無話要 我家姐終於話唔好意思,其實唔可以咁做 (根本明知她玩野啦.....) 又係至多俾多d折頭佢 跟住佢件西裝友就鬧我定姐話"係咪話我地無錢買你地d野?" 我家姐話唔係,但佢照鬧 鬧左十幾分鐘 d同事見咁幫手,又照鬧 最終打俾老闆備案 之後連收兩封warning letter 早兩日接埋大信封 年尾俾人炒左


Beast Asleep Within
Beast Asleep Within

alternative rock,rock,melodic,passionate,post-britpop,anthemic,indie rock,energetic


Dangdut, beats, rap


Disco, funk, motown, powerful, bass guitar, male voice

Shadows in the Light
Shadows in the Light

drum and bass, eerie, Dark, Horror, Horrorcore, Rap, EDM, female singer

Momento Eterno
Momento Eterno

alternative rock, violin


hip hop, rap, guitar, heartfelt, flute, dark, jungle, aggressive

Heartbeats and Rhymes
Heartbeats and Rhymes

hip hop smooth romantic

Ketika Udara Tak Bersahabat v4
Ketika Udara Tak Bersahabat v4

Acoustic Alternative Rock With Upbeat vibes

Bozulan Dem
Bozulan Dem

kurdish psychedelic folk

Песня Кощея
Песня Кощея

Funny Horror Story Halloween Children's Fairy Tale Dance Instrumental Rock and Roll


Metal progressivo, Alternativa/indie,post-hardcore,female vocals,calm, emo

WARNING !!! Rise of the robots.
WARNING !!! Rise of the robots.

Futuristic cyberpunk rap, high-energy beats, distorted synth lines, and neon-lit, dystopian themes

Cahaya Kasih
Cahaya Kasih

pop catchy acoustic, j-pop, alternative rock, pop, beat, smooth, metal

Digital Dreams (Dub Version)
Digital Dreams (Dub Version)

bright clear mechanical vocal chaotic sound effects techno-electro-funk

Fast Ocean Serenade
Fast Ocean Serenade

folk-blues fusion acoustic fingerstyle